After the show was when things got out of hand

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After the show was when things got out of hand. Girls rushed the stage and pressed you against the wooden boards that held it up. You felt something sharp pierce your leg. You couldn't reach down because of how closely compacted everyone was. You finally caught Red's eye and he and two police men jumped up on stage and took your hands, lifting you up and onto the stage. Red grabs your hand and runs you both to a long black limo. The door swings open and you practically both dive inside the door nearly shutting on your foot. You were all breathing heavily. Elvis gave you a look of excitement mixed with fear and then caught sight of your leg. You hadn't even had the time to notice the deep gash that tore your slacks slightly along your shin. "Damn. Here baby, lemme see your leg." Elvis said. You caught wind of him calling you 'baby'...probably a slip of tongue, but quickly forgot as the pain shot through you when Elvis poured water on it. You grab his arms squeezing through the pain as he wrapped a towel around your leg. "There, all good." He said and patted your thigh. You take a few deep breaths and then finally start taking in what was happening. Girls surrounded the car. You were barely able to drive through the crowd. You take a moment to capture the insanity on camera.

Elvis looks over at you and leans his head back and closing his eyes

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Elvis looks over at you and leans his head back and closing his eyes. "This has been an every day thing, y/n." Elvis explained and you finally understood his irritability. Just one day of this and you were already ready to go back home. In that moment you actually felt bad for him. He was clearly overwhelmed and you wanted nothing more but to protect your best friend from the world.

When you get back to his hotel you both realize June, her friend, and Jonathan were still stranded with the crowd. "Lost your boyfriend the first day? Tisk tisk." Elvis teased and fell back on his bed. "I just cant believe you've been dealing with this for almost ten days straight." You say, still in shock. "June hates it too. I dont blame her, but i wish she could handle it like you." He said venting slightly. You recognized the way he did it. Just as he had done with Dixie, yet Elvis still seemed hooked on June. You were happy to see him happy just as he was for you and Jonathan, but your feelings seemed to surface a little more lately. You decide to get your mind off things and distract yourself. You walk over and take a seat at the small table and then recognize the script laying open. "How's this going?" You ask, gesturing to it. "Oh..yeah I got the part. I go next week." He says. "Elvis, that's amazing!" You say smiling. "Yeah, I just wish June could come but after all this shit she wants to stay in Biloxi." He says defeated and then perks up. "But you..." You meet his eyes, as he schemed and he shot up and went to your side. "Oh no Elvis. I can't. The newspaper, Jonathan..." He cut you off, "Jonathan would be tickled for you y/n! Oh cmon please? Please? We always said we'd go to Hollywood together!" He pleaded and grabbed your hands meeting your eyes. His blue eyes practically piercing your soul. "Please y/n, I need you with me. I don't wanna be alone out there. I need you...And I'm sure the Colonel would love to have you take photos of me on set anyways." He said, squeezing my hands as if to beg more. "June wouldn't mind?" You ask, still unsure of the idea. "No of course not. She loves you. She'll have you keep me in line!" Elvis said with a chuckle. You smile, clearly showing that you were giving in and he smiles wider than ever. "Oh, y/n, you're the best! Hollywood here we come!" He gives you a peck on the forehead and goes back to lay down. His eyes close and quickly doses off. As he sleeps June, her friend, and Jonathan finally arrive to the hotel. You meet up with them in the lobby. Everyone is clearly worn out from the events if the day, but you're still on edge with excitement and nervousness. At some point you'll have to tell them about your plans to go with Elvis and just the thought of you being with him in the city of opportunity gives you nervous chills. As you sit around a table in the lobby sipping tea you decide to announce your plans. "At least he'll have you. Besides I need a break from all this." June says with a warm smile...clearly Elvis was right, she trusted you with him. "I mean of course Im gonna miss you darling, but this is a huge opportunity for you too. Not just him. Imagine what photography opportunities are in Hollywood!? You could work with all the celebrities there!" Jonathan said, happily. You appreciated their support and felt a little better about your decision and you couldn't help but think of what it would be like. That night it's hard for you to fall asleep, dreaming about the opportunities you would have. Who knew what Hollywood would have in store for you and Elvis...

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