„Well, erm...do you want to go to the office and go home..?" he suggested, but Billy shook his head.
„Nu-uh, dad would be mad" the boy shivered, and Steve just nodded, still not understanding a thing.

„Alright, uh- class, then?" he suggested, and Billy nodded against his chest, so Steve helped him stand up again and walked with the blond, as they had the same classes most of the time.

Billy sat down, glad he was in the last row so no one would see him if he let himself slip a little. Not that he wasn't already small, but Billy decided that if he was little already, he might as well would doodle a bit instead of paying attention.

So he did just that, drawing little flowers all over an empty page, as well as a dog- or at least that was what he saw.
But not even after half of the class had passed, Billy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, needing to use the bathroom after he drank a lot during the warm summer day.

He wanted to raise his hand, but the little voice inside his head told him the teacher would get mad at him, or maybe someone saw his doodles while he was away, or maybe he wouldn't make it to the bathrooms because he was too little to walk!

Whimpering quietly, Billy decided to just wait until he was big again, not wanting to risk anything.
To keep his mind off his need, he picked up his pen again, starting to draw some clouds.

After about ten minutes, he slowly slipped a hand between his thighs, as it was getting worse and worse by the second, but Billy was too afraid to get up.
He glanced at the clock, but there were still about twenty minutes left until he could leave.
The blond whimpered, now regretting that he didn't ask before, because now he would easily have an accident while trying to get to the bathrooms.

Billy's whole body shot up when he heard a loud bang on the desk in front of him, some douche bag had slammed his book to startle the teacher.
But not only she shrieked and turned around from the board in anger.

The blonds eyes were snapped shut as he was shaking, feeling the fabric of his jeans grow wet as he couldn't control it anymore.
He pressed his lips together tightly in hopes no one would see, but there was no way of getting out of this now.
Billy pressed a hand in his crotch desperately to try to stop himself from wetting his pants in class, but to no avail, he was too little to actually control his body.

No one noticed at first, but when the trickling noise of liquid hitting the floor started as Billy's pants couldn't soak up any more, they looked around, only to see the poor boy shaking as silent tears streamed down his face.
No one said a word, until the same guy who slammed his book started laughing uncontrollably.

„Holy shit, Hargrove pissed himself!" he shouted while snapping for air as he laughed.
The other guys joined in with him, while some girls looked at him disgusted.
The only one who didn't show any reaction to what was happening was Steve, until he stood up and went over to the blond.

„Come on Billy, let's get you out of here" he muttered, pulling the boy out of his seat and pushing him out of the room, giving the teacher an apologetic look. The woman just shook her head in sympathy before turning to the class to scold them.
But neither Steve nor Billy heard her do that as the brunette shut the classroom door and guided Billy down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

The blond was still crying, only staring to the ground in fear. He was little, had uncomfortably wet pants and Steve was probably going to yell at him for embarrassing himself as a member of the basketball team like this.
All he wanted to do was curl up at home and have Max comfort him, but there was no way the girl would do that as she didn't even know what was going on in the highschool building.

Steve sighed at what was happening in front of him, overwhelmed and not knowing how to deal with it.
„Alright, err- do you have a set of spare clothes in the gym..?" he asked, but Billy didn't seem to hear him though his crying.
The brunette went closer to him, putting two fingers under his chin to make Billy look up.

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