- chap. 4 : suspicious [ short !! ] -

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Narrator pov  //

bad hugged skeppy and skeppy hugged him back. They both stopped and bad smiled, skeppy blushed and he rubs his back, he chuckles. Since the two were at the front of the fountain.. There were two people spying on him and it's Karl and george! They were on the bushes watching them all the time.


The two were walking past the school garden entrance and they both stopped, they quickly hid and they both peeked . They both saw that rude jerk with bad. They both glared at skeppy. Since they keep watching them.. They quickly ran to the bushes and hid again, they peeked and they heard skeppy apologizing to bad for what he did. They thought skeppy will hurt bad but he only apologized for hurting him. They were suspicious, they both think that jerk skeppy is only using him. They both saw them hugging.


Bad offered to skeppy if he'd like to go to the next class, skeppy accepts the offer. They both walked away. The two were still hiding at the bushes and george saw them walking away.. He shooked Karl's shoulder and whispered " hey lets follow them " Karl nodded and they stopped hiding and followed them. Skeppy and bad were on their way on the classroom while the two were still following them cuz there something might happen to bad. Skeppy felt someone following them and he looks at the back seeing the two were following them. They were shaking and sweating cuz they might get hurt by the jerky skeppy. Bad looked also at the back "I uhmmm.. H-hey bad--!!! " Karl stutters while greeting bad. " oh hey Karl and George! What are u guys doing?? " bad asks, the two looked eachothers and they were still sweating and scared. " o-oh uhhhh.. We were on our way to school-! Oh I meann-- class hehhe-!! " Karl stutters " y-yeah! " George says. Bad got suspicious but he doesn't mind. " oh! Ok, see you guys there <3 " bad says and they walked away. The two sighs and they keep following them.

Words : 349

Sorry this is very short cuz I'm lazy as hell. But anyways, hope u enjoyed reading this! <3 and also don't forget to vote! ( not forcing )

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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&quot;im inlove with the nerd i bullied&quot; - skephalo high school auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें