Chapter 24 Father's Day

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Mary POV:

Time: 10:30 am

"Lucy let's go! We don't want to be late!" Yelled Susan as she is waiting at our dorm door.

"I'm coming!" Lucy exited the bathroom quickly.

Today was Father's Day so us three we're heading back home for lunch to celebrate. Well actually just Susan, Lucy and Jacob at the moment. My dad is still on his trip and won't return till the end of next month. But I can still leave something for him.

"Are we ready?" I ask.

"Yes, just had to fix my hair." Replied Lucy

Susan rolled her eyes, "You always have to fix your hair."

"Of course I do." Lucy flings a strand of her hair, "I wanna look good."

We left our dorm and quickly descended the stairs. After making it outside we headed towards the front of Cherryton.

I see Jacob down the path motioning to us to hurry.

"Hey Lucy."


"I'll race you." I take off running.

"Hey!" Lucy runs after me as Susan follows.

We make it to the entrance as three black SUV's arrive. The driver gets out of the middle car and opens the door for us.

"Welcome your highnesses." He bows.

"Thank you." We entered the vehicle as Jacob shook the driver's hand.

We buckle as the driver returns behind the wheel and pulls away.

"Hey Mary, what did you get your dad for Father's Day?" Asked Lucy.

"Ummm I don't know."

Normally I did get something for my dad but since I'm at school and he's off on his trip, I wasn't able to get him anything.

"What did you get your dad?"

"I ordered a new watch for him." Replied Lucy, "Actually mom helped with the purchase."


"What about you Susan?"

"I got my dad his favorite, a couple bags of Kona Coffee."

"Ooo." Replied Lucy, "hey Jacob, what did you get your dad?"

"Ummm... I got him a new fighting staff for his collection."

"That sounds cool." Lucy complimented.

The car ride back was peaceful, I looked out the window and watched the buildings go by. After we crossed the bridge, passed through the gate into Pangea, and arrived at the palace. The cars came to a stop, a butler walked up to our car and opened the door for us.

"Welcome home your highnesses." Said the butler as he bows.

"Thank you." We all said as we exited the vehicle.

The cars pull away as we enter the palace, but will be back soon since we're only staying here for lunch which is about 3 hours.

"See ya Jocab." We waved at him before he departed through the main palace gates to go have lunch with his dad.

We ascended the stairs and walked down the hall towards the drawing room. We entered to see everyone there, aunt Alexandria and Jessica, Uncle Edward and Harry, and grandma.

"Hello, you girls made it." Aunt Jessica gets up to greet us.

"How was the drive?" Asked Uncle Edward as he sits up in his chair.

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