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Author's Note

ink and error's conversations give me life.

                                                                                                                                   - Adelle

Editor's note

Here's the epilogue! All of you are so amazing for reading this book! It's really appreciated! Thank you so much! Mwah!

                                                                                                                                   ~ Valery


Error lazily roamed the castle, wondering where the others were. It had been an unusually quiet day and, at first, Error took advantage of this. He slept in, snuck around looking for things to erase (he missed being able to do that as an object), and read in a magic hammock. But when you're used to being surrounded by random idiots all the time, being alone starts to feel weird. So Error wandered the castle, wearing his usual glare.

Error eventually walked into the library and found everyone. "wHaT aRe yOu gUyS dOiNg hErE?" 

Ink answered. "You know we have a book club every week, right?" 

"oH yEaH. nErD."

Ink rolled his eyes. "You're literally the only one who doesn't come, (I mean aside from Horror who only comes for the snacks but *cough* thatsnotimportant) what does that make you?" 

"bEtTeR tHaN yOu." 

Ink sighed. "Whatever."

The others snickered at their cat fight. Error looked around confused. "sO uH wHeRe'Re dReAm aNd y/N aNd NigHtmArE? aReN't tHeY tHe dOrKs tHaT sTaRtEd tHiS wHoLe nErD tHiNg?" 

The room went silent and everyone stared at Error. 

"wHaT? dId tHeY dIe oR sOmEtHiNg?" 

Ink facepalmed. "Dude. Dream's literally getting married. Like right now."

Error glitched. "WHaT?¡¿! tHaT iDiOt DiDn'T iNvItE mE tO HiS oWn FrEaKiNg wEdDiNg¿! sOmE fRiEnD- wAiT-" Error stood there for a moment and the skeletons smirked at him. "wHy aReN't yOu gUyS aT tHe wEdDiNg? dId tHeY rEaLlY nOt iNvItE aNyOnE? LoL wHaT lOsErS, tHeY'rE gOnNa bE sUrPrIsEd wHeN tHeY rEaLiZe tHeY fOrGoT tO bRiNg gUeStS." 

Ink sighed loudly and the others tried not to laugh. "They told us last week that Dream and Bronte were gonna elope and that they only wanted Bronte's parents and Y/n and Nightmare. Don't you listen to our dinner announcements?"

"wHy wOuLd i LiStEn tO sOmEtHiNg yOu sTaRtEd¿ 'DiNnEr aNnOuNcEmEnTs' wHo cAlLs iT tHaT?¿" 

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