Chapter 25

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Author's Note

Sorry it's been a whileeee, it's hard to be motivated in quarantine :p

                                               - Adelle

Editor's note

Oh, yeah! The rest of the book is when we took forever to post and write. HeRe YoU gO, gUyS-

                                                                                                                         ~ Valery


Dream watched Y/n shut the door, and he smiled bewilderedly. 

Had he really just witnessed that? He watched with satisfaction as Shattered expressed his distraught. At first he took a pillow and clung to it, shaking violently. This filled Dream with a sense of victory in behalf of Y/n.

Then Shattered tore the pillow in two. Dream's smile vanished. 

"I know.

Dream flinched. Shattered gripped his skull in one hand as he continued to mumble to himself, completely forgetting Dream's existence. 

"I'll make her feel like she has control. I'll let her keep doing as she pleases.

Shattered stood and began to pace around the room.

"She'll be confident, comfortable, even in control for a time. Then when she feels safe I'll come for her. I won't take no for an answer, even if it means I have to force her. I've had enough of this. She'll be offered control if she only would bend to my will slightly. Then she will be happy. I will be happy."


You shut the door and walked confidently to your children's room. The only Nightmare Papyruses you saw guarded Dream's and your children's rooms. Escaping through the window would be the best option. Some magic would be helpful in this situation, but you were on your own. The Papyrus guarding your children's room silently opened the door for you.

You stepped in then paused confusedly. The room had been changed and Vince was comforting a crying Vivian in the corner. You rushed to your children, scooped Vivian into a hug, and turned to Vince. "What happened?" 

Vince took a deep breath, "That monster visited us and took us on an adventure, but then he tried to trick us. But Vivian made sure we didn't fall for it."

Vivian held you tighter at that. "So when we said no, he got mad and changed our room. He almost hit me too." Vince's face hardened when he said this and so did your heart. 

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now