Chapter 14

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Author's Note

Greetings. Finally got this down. I struggle with fight scenes, but I love dialogue, so here ya go ;)

                                                                                                                               - Adelle

Editor's note

She had a lot of fun planning this chapter. You'll see what I mean.

                                                                                                                              ~ Valery


You awoke peacefully, then smiled. You turned and whispered into Nightmare's ear, "Second to last day." 

Nightmare stretched and groaned, then rolled over, mumbling, "Let me sleep..." 

You giggled and pecked his head. "Well, you can stay sleeping for a bit longer. I'm going to help make breakfast and get the kiddos ready for the day." 

Nightmare hummed his tired response, and you took a moment longer to gaze lovingly upon your husband's resting form.


Shattered awoke reluctantly. He groaned, rolled out of bed, then stretched. He glanced over at his bed, deep in thought. "Soon. I just need to be patient.

But patience was the one thing he lacked at the moment. Shattered quickly checked on Dream. Dream still lay chained to the ground, old tear streaks stained his cheeks. "What a mess." Shattered then teleported to the now destroyed ballroom. Horror was startled by his sudden appearance, and he let out a small shout.

Shattered smirked tiredly at this reaction. Blue glared spitefully at the sickening sight of Shattered. Dust looked disturbingly curious, while Cross stared right through Shattered. "Good morning." Shattered greeted smoothly.

Blue let out a cold laugh. "IT'S MORNING, IS IT? SORRY FOR NOT KNOWING THE TIME." 

Shattered's tired smile vanished, being replaced with a glare and slight frown. "Think you're funny, do you?

Blue's hateful glare faltered, but he refused to break eye contact. Shattered stepped towards Blue, who flinched at the movement. Shattered's smirk returned, and he allowed Cross to be freed. 

Cross landed casually, then he summoned his iconic knife. "Shall we?" Cross asked, benumbed. 

Shattered's grin widened slightly and the world began to melt around the two. "Not yet, my friend."

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now