Chapter 7

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Author's Note

Prepare yourself, a lots gonna happen. Hope you enjoy!

                                                                                                                        - Adelle

Editor's note

I don't think anyone can be prepared- not even me-

                                                                                                                         ~ Valery


Dream sat, eating dinner in the painfully silent dining room. Everyone sat and ate in an awkward silence when Vince broke the peace. "Why is it quiet?" A simple, yet perfectly adorable question. 

Dream smiled to himself as Y/n explained. "It doesn't have to be... it's just that no one knows what to talk about!"

Vince let out an, "Oooh!" then returned to eating. 

Dinner was finished quickly and quietly, then the dishes were taken away by the Nightmare Papyruses. 

'Now, remind them of their near departure, then we can put our plan into action.' Dream jumped a little, not expecting Shattered's input.

Some began to teleport away. Dusk and Cherry rushed to Vince and Vivian to play with them, when Dream said, "The carriage is outside and ready whenever you are!" 

Y/n and Nightmare glanced at him, then smiled. "Of course! We'll just walk Vince and Vivian outside, then we'll go. Will you gather the others so we can say good bye?" Y/n asked sweetly.

Dream nodded, then said, "Of course!" Dream then proceeded to teleport throughout the castle, attempting to find the others. He found Killer, Dust, Ink, and Cross walking through a hallway, and he informed them to meet in the gardens. He knew Error, Blue, Dusk, and Cherry were still in the dining room when he was told to fetch the others, so now he just had to find Horror.

After a minute of searching, Dream stopped to think where Horror could be. 

'Check the kitchens.

Dream jumped again, then teleported to the kitchens to see Horror being scolded by three Nightmare Papyruses. He looked smugly back at them. One gave up, then walked away.

"Horror! Meeting in the gardens!" Dream shouted to him. He watched Horror vaporize, and witnessed the two remaining Nightmare Papyruses face palm then walk away, mumbling.

Dream then teleported to the gardens to see Y/n and Nightmare hugging the other skeletons. Dusk was saying his goodbyes to Vince and Vivian while Cherry just sobbed. Dream quickly scurried over to hug Y/n goodbye. 'And Nightmare, you idiot, just hurry up!

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن