Chapter 15

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Author's Note

Alright you guys, this is probably one of my favorite chapters so far. Enjoy!

                                                                                                                         - Adelle

Editor's note

Alright, time to use some brain power. Hmmmm, the ones still alive are Blue and Horror.... yeah, everyone else is either dead, on vacation, or being controlled.

                                                                                                                          ~ Valery


After Shattered had killed Cross and Dust, he placed their statues with the others, then left the crest fallen skeletons. Shattered was tense that day. With what, he knew not. Tomorrow was the day Y/n would come to him. Everything was running smoothly. He had the obsequious Nightmare Papyruses clean the castle and prepare Vince's, Vivian's, and his room. He planned to have the ballroom repaired as soon as he was finished with the last two.

The only thing he would have to do after everything was done was kill Nightmare. The only one who really had a chance against him. Besides 他̶̻͆ك̶̟̉Ω̷̤̐Ə̷͇̔ø̵̧͝. But they couldn't do anything now. 

Once he added Nightmare to his collection, there would be no fight and he would win. Finally win. After years of endless torment, he would finally be complete, at peace, even happy.

After going through the castle with the Nightmare Papyruses, he returned to the skeletons. He looked upon them with the uttermost disgust. The last two things he had to deal with before it all really began. Blue raised his head sharply, tears staining his cheeks, abject loathing and disdain radiating from his cold penetrating glare. 

"T O D A Y, I E N D Y O U." Blue snarled viciously.

Shattered smiled widely at this. 

So, he finally snapped. 

"Oh?" Shattered asked amusedly. He allowed Horror to fall to the horribly mangled ballroom floor. Horror summoned a small knife and moved to kill himself. 

So, they both snapped. 

Shattered didn't move to stop him and watched casually as Horror ended his own life. Horror turned to a sickening statue, every inch emanating the absolute despair and brokenness of his previous state.

Blue didn't move. He didn't cry out. He didn't shed a single tear. He had no tears left to cry. There was no sadness within him now. Only hate. 

Shattered merely teleported Horror's statue to where the rest of them lay. He turned to see a seething, loathing skeleton. Shattered smirked, then asked, "So what?

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ