Chapter 27: homecoming

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That night I had another dream about Lucifer. He tortured me in it this time and tried to convince me to open the portal to end my suffering. I didn't give in of course. I knew it wasn't real, no matter how real it felt. He can only escape if I let him. He needs me.

And there's no chance in hell he's going to get me. Break me. I'm stronger then him. And I won't go down without a fucking fight.

I got up and started to get ready for the day. I somehow was trapped in that torture dream until 12pm. So I was running late.

Homecoming is today and I'm excited to go. It's another thing I've never experienced, and you must believe I want an excuse to look hot and have fun. Especially with all the depressing shit that's been going around here recently.

I hopped in the shower and while I was showering I heard a knock on the door. That's strange. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body then headed over to answer the door.

I opened the door and to my surprise no one other then Katherine pierce was standing on the other side. She looked hot, as usual.

"Why is the baddest bitch around at my door right now?" I questioned in confusion.

"I was heading through the area, thought I'd pay the only one I can tolerate in this town a visit." She said with a smirk.

"Come in." I said as I walked away from the door, she stepped in gladly and shut it behind her.

"Cut the bullshit kitty-Kat. We're barley even acquaintances. Why are you really here?" I asked.

"Everyone in this town is boring and both of the Salvatore's are wrapped around my dreadful doppelgängers finger. I thought maybe you'd want to......have fun." Katherine said.

While she said the last sentence her eyes slowly trailed from mine down my entire body.

She basically was eye fucking me. Is Katherine.....Bi? The sexual energy in the room right now was insane. I decided to feed into the vibe.

"Oh yeah? What kind where you looking for?" I said as I took a step forward and raked my eyes down her body as well.

She looked stunning. Her hair curly as always, a skin tight black long sleeve along with black high waisted skin tight jeans. And of course black stilettos. Making her quite a bit taller then me right now. I think if she wasn't wearing heals she'd be about an inch taller then me.

"I think you know." She said with a suggestive smirk.

~~~~~~a small amount of smut warning~~~~~~

That's all I needed to hear. I grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her against the wall.

"Just so you know kitty-kat. I don't play nice." I warned her.

Quickly the position changed and I was the one pushed against the wall.

"Neither do I." She said.

In the blink of an eye she had started sucking on my neck. Not in a draining my blood type of way. But just a pleasurable way. I moaned in surprise at the sudden action.

She slowly made her small kisses and hickeys down from my neck, to my collarbone and then to my chest. As I moaned in pleasure. I grabbed her by the hair and forcefully pulled her lips to meet mine. The make out was heated and intense. Both of us fighting for dominance.

Once the make-out ended Katherine whispered in my ear "you know I've been wanting to do this since the day I met you."

I grabbed her by the arm and lead her into the bedroom then pushed her forcefully onto the bed. I stood in-front of her and smirked as I dropped my towel. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

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