Chapter 26: tragic backstory

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I'm walking down a very familiar hallway. The hallway of the motel dad was killed in. I heard commotion and raced down the hallway. I opened the creepy ass door at the end of the hallway. And to my surprise Sam and Dean were chained to the wall.

Battered and bloody. Like they had been tortured. "Sam! Dean! It's okay I'm here!" I shouted. I rushed forwards to help them but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

I slammed my fists against the barrier and screamed in frustration. It didn't look so good for them.

"I'm here! I'm going to save you!" I shouted as tears streamed down my face.

I heard Sam whimper "you can't aren't here." Sam's eyes glazed off behind me, I followed his line of view to see that in fact I wasn't here. Behind me was the mystic falls gang in-front of the Salvatore boarding house. Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Klaus....etc.

I turned back to face Sam and Dean. "No I want to help you guys! I want to save you! Just tell me how!" I screamed.

A somewhat familiar voice suddenly appeared from the darkness in the corner behind Sam and Dean. "If you want to save your precious humans, open the portal niece."

My eyes widened in shock as the dark figure took the form of my dearest uncle. Lucifer. My eyes flashed their natural bright gold state in defence.

"Don't fucking touch them." I demanded harshly.

"You see dear Noa, I can do whatever I want. You're not here. But I. I am. And you left your poor human hunters defenceless, with the devil. How pathetic of you." Lucifer taunted.

Lucifer walked over to Sam and pulled out his archangel blade, he ran it down the side of Sam's stomach. Blood started gushing from the wound.

"STOP!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I lurched my hand forward and a gold light started to appear against the barrier. The gold light grew and grew. The gold was shaped in a circle with a hole in the middle large enough for a person to fit through.

I did it. I opened the portal. But something was off. Sam and Dean disappeared. And it was only me and the devil, I looked around to see black smoke whipping through the air. Demons.

A couple gushes of smoke managed to come through the barrier to my side. I stood frozen in shock. Lucifer started to make his way to the portal but was thrown back by an invisible force. I looked to see no one other then my dad standing beside me.

"Noa close the goddamn portal!" Dad shouted as he continued to fight to hold Lucifer back.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's a trap Noa, he's trying to lead you home, or let himself into your new universe. Close the fucking portal!" Dad shouted one last time.

That's all it took for me to muster up all my strength and will for the portal to shut. I concentrated and sent out as much grace as I could. The portal slowly grew smaller and smaller until it was non existent. It was over.

I woke up with a jolt and shot straight up. My breathing was heavy and I couldn't stop panting. That didn't feel like a dream, I mean it did but at the same time that dream was too vivid to be entirely fake. Lucifer had somehow managed to make a connection to me, to contact me and manipulate me.

He's hunting me. Oh fuck. This is bad. I've held onto the hope that maybe Sam and Dean managed to put him back in the cage. But maybe they haven't, maybe he's free. But wait. If he has a connection to me, then I must have a direct link to him. It goes both ways.

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