⏁⟒⌰⌰ ⋔⟒ ⏃⌰⌰ ⏁⊑⟒ ⍙⏃⊬⌇ ⏁⍜ ⌇⏁⏃⊬ ⏃⍙⏃⊬, ⏃⍙⏃⊬, ⏃⍙⏃⊬! ⏃⋏⎅ ⌇⏁⏃⊬ ⏃⍙⏃⊬, ⏃⍙⏃⊬, ⏃⍙⏃⊬!

186 8 26

Title translation: Tell me all the ways to stay away, away, away! And stay away, away, away!

TW: cussing, needle, arguing, talk of drugs, getting outed, self harm scars, talk of past self harm, self harm, blood, mocking someone for doing self harm (I'm looking at you, Matt), Matt himself, s3xu@l @ss@ult, attempted r@p3, gang banging?, very slight mention of puking, police, getting arrested, over-binding

I think that's it but tell me if I missed any.
(Seriously, this is a very triggering chapter)

I'm not allowed to give you an angst break just yet ;)

SUPER long chapter! 5,500+ words!

Ranboo's POV
(One week later)

It was probably around 6:30 pm and I had just took my testosterone shot and cleaned the needle when my phone pinged. I sat the needle down on my dresser to go see who it was.

Upon picking up my phone, it was an unknown number. I thought it was a scam and I was about to delete it when my eyes caught a glimpse of part of the message.

Hey! It's Jordan!

Oh hi!
How're you doing? :)

*you changed contact name to Jordan ✈️*

Jordan ✈️
Great! Hby?

Good, thanks!

Jordan ✈️
Sorry it took me so long to message you.
We busy getting settled into our house 😅

Don't worry about it!

Jordan ✈️
How's the meetup going?

I've told Tubbo and Karl about me so far

Jordan ✈️
That nice!
I love Karl sm
He's so sweet 😭❤️

Yeah lol

Jordan ✈️
Anyways I gtg
Byeeee! 😙


I put my phone in my pocket when I heard a knock at my door.

"Coming!" I said. I went over and opened my door, seeing Tubbo. "What us, Tubbs?" I asked. "We're gonna watch a movie! Wanna join?" He asked. "Sure!" I left my room with him, completely forgetting about the needle still sitting out on my dresser.

"Techno said he was gonna get you when he was done in the bathroom but I decided to come get you to save him the time." Tubbo said as he lead me downstairs. I nodded, although he couldn't see me.

Techno's POV

When I left the bathroom, I went over to Ranboo's room to bring him downstairs. When I knocked on his door, he didn't answer. I knocked again incase he didn't hear me. "Ranboo?" I said, opening his door.

He wasn't there.

I noticed something shine out of the corner of my eye and as human instinct, I turned my head to see what it was.

A needle?

My mind immediately went to 'is he doing drugs?' but not as a joke. I was actually wondering. I noticed there was a wipe sitting next to the needle like it had just recently been cleaned.

I picked it up. I was going to confront Ranboo about this. I didn't care who else was in the room.
(I'm not trying to make Techno seem like a bad guy! He's a concerned friend!)

Black Out Days | Trans!Ranboo & Karl Jacobs (MemoryDuo) [NOT A SHIP] [Book 1/2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن