Billy decided to wait for her outside, since he didn't want to run in his dad and risk being beaten up before school.
He sneaked out of the house to avoid making too much noise that could bother his dad and give him a reason to be upset with the blond.

Max was outside shortly after, throwing her bag in the car and getting in.
Billy stomped out his cigarette, getting in the drivers seat and pulling a face at the faint noise of the pull-up.
Max looked over at him, and he realised she knew but didn't say anything, and he was grateful about it.

„Okay red, better be on time later or you have to walk" Billy said as he parked his car, giving her a slight shove as she stuck her tongue out.
„Yeah right, as if you would do that. And be careful, yeah?" she smiled, getting out and slamming the door close.

Billy groaned, knowing exactly what she talked about but not wanting to think about it.
The pull-up felt weird against his skin and it made him panic slightly that Max had immediately noticed.
But she just did because she knew he had them, Billy tried to convince himself as he got out of the car and locked it.

„Morning, Hargrove" Steve shouted over at him, followed by Robin who waved at him, slightly hiding behind Steve as she was still a little sceptical of him.

„Hey Harrington, Buckley" he nodded, grabbing onto his keys tightly in fear.
But neither of the two said anything besides trying to make smalltalk, so Billy relaxed a little, walking towards the highschool with them.

The day went by slowly, and Billy found himself completely exhausted by the time lunch break came around.
Since he never ate in school, the blond put his head on the table, trying to ignore Tommy and Steve bickering and some senior yelling at someone else.

But before Billy could fall asleep, someone called out his name and he lifted his head up again to look at Tommy.
„What's with you today, Hargrove. You look dead" the boy exclaimed, laughing at himself for no apparent reason.

Billy just rolled his eyes, groaning.
„Zip it, I had a hard night" he said, and if wasn't even that much of a lie if you thought about it.
But Tommy didn't let it go, instead giving him a shove that almost made Billy lose his balance and fall off the bench.

„Oh I'm sorry for talking to you, princess. Didn't know we were so sensitive today" he mocked, and Billy bit his inner cheeks to not reply anything stupid.

„Awh, is the little princess too great to have a chat with the normal citizens?" Tommy rolled his eyes, and the blond flipped him off, getting up from the table and leaving the cafeteria while he gritted his teeth.
There was no reason for him to get this upset, but he was on edge since the morning and couldn't handle more bickering.

The rest of the break, Billy spent in the classroom they'd be in next, head on his table and drifting off into sleep shortly after.

When he woke up, it was Steve that had done it and Billy was about to spit some nasty things at him but then he realised the teacher coming inside in that exact moment, so he just nodded Steve off and leaned back to focus on the lesson.

Not even a minute after the teacher had started talking though, Billy realised it had happened again.
The soggy diaper was feeling uncomfortable against his skin and the boy started shifting uncomfortably, scared to ask the teacher if he could leave, because he couldn't take his backpack with him.

Billy whined slightly as he tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, but he couldn't, small tears forming in his eyes from how uncomfortable and scared he was.
The boy pressed his eyes shut, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, before he felt a nudge on his shoulder.

Steve, who sat next to him in most classes, looked at him worried, silent questions in his eyes.
But Billy wouldn't be able to handle confrontation at this moment, so he just send Steve a wobbly smile and turned his head towards the board again.

A safer placeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora