The blue burly elf sat on his bed. "I'm not embarrassed." Barley complained.

The blue skinny elf extended his arms. "I didn't say you are." Ian said.

The blue burly elf opened up his book. Barley glanced down. The blue burly elf licked his right thumb. Barley starts flipping out pages.

The blue skinny elf was perplexed. "Wait, are you reading?" Ian wondered.

The blue burly elf hasn't look at his youngest brother. Barley kept going thru book pages. "I'm trying to find answers about Mor'du, the demon bear or anything related to Scotland, Ian." The blue burly elf replied sternly.

The blue skinny elf went closer to his elder brother. Ian sits next to Barley on his right side. The blue skinny elf was bewildered. "Is this what you've been doing for three days, since mom brought the princess in our house?" Ian asks.

The blue burly elf was frowning. "Merida can't run away forever. I was trying to do what's right." Barley answers in his confirmation.

The blue skinny elf stopped him for turning the pages further. "Barley, I'm worried about her too. She's from the different world. There wasn't anything that you're looking for can be found around here. The queen took away what the princess loved to do. Please. Don't make it worse." Ian said.

The blue burly elf took a deeper breath. Barley was solemn. "Merida told me she loved her family...The mistake the princess has made to herself...And she finally confesses to me..." The blue burly elf added. Barley stared at his youngest brother. The blue burly elf was sad. "Ian...Merida sold her pendant to the witch for the spell...That's how she appeared to the Manticore's Tavern by magic..." Barley uttered.

The blue skinny elf was disbelieved. Ian gasps. The blue skinny elf was concerned. "Was the witch's magic evil?" Ian wonders.

The blue burly elf was melancholy. He touched his youngest brother's left shoulder. "I don't know, Ian." Barley replies.

The blue skinny elf believed his elder brother. He had both hands on his head. "Barley, this is why we need the Teleportation Gem. But the demon bear." Ian vented.

The blue burly elf shut his book. "Don't lose hope yet, brother. We still gotta find Mor'du's weakness." Barley reassured.

The blue skinny elf shrugged. "Have you found anything about the demon bear in your game?" Ian asked.

Barley shook his head. "No." The blue burly elf added, stumping. "Sadly, that demon bear card was so rare at the time. I can't give up Guinevere the Second like this." Barley answered.

The blue skinny elf was insisting. "Keep the van. There's got to be another way." Ian said.

Suddenly, they heard something fell from above.

Barley was baffled. "What just make noise from upstairs?" He inquired.

Ian was astonished. "My bedroom...?" He guessed.

The Lightfoot brothers hurries out of Barley's bedroom.

Unexpectedly, they got into their tight spots on the doorway.

Ian was stuck on his right side. Barley was stuck on his left side.

The Lightfoot brothers efforts to budge forward but failed. They are squashed like sandwiches.

Ian was angry. "Barley!" The blue skinny elf shouted.

The blue burly elf was irritated. "Ian, ye gotta push yourself forth harder!" Barley exclaimed.

Merida observed the Lightfoot brothers curiously.

Ian furrowed his eyebrows. "I WAS pushing myself forth harder! You got BIG arms!" The blue skinny elf ranted.

Barley attempts to make his pushes forward of himself yet failed. "I AM TOO! We can't just seemed to FIT together!" He argued.

Ian barely moved his arms frantically. "We don't FIT because your arms are TOO BIG!" He vents.

Barley was frustrated. "Don't blame on MY arms, Ian!" He argues.

Ian was stressed. "Okay, I won't BLAME ON YOUR ARMS! I'll take IT back! Just LET ME GO!" He complains.

The princess looked up.

Merida heard Laurel shouting.


The blue burly elf acknowledged his blue elf mother. Barley pulled himself backwards. "AYE, MUM!" He hollered.

The blue skinny elf collapsed straightforward on the hardwood floor.

Ian was peeved.

Barley was annoyed. The blue burly elf was going to help his youngest brother. Barley picked him up from the hardwood floor. "I got ye, Ian." He said.

The Lightfoot brothers glanced at the princess confusingly.

Merida was chortling hard at them. She snorts a few times while laughing.

The blue burly elf was irked. His face became redder. Barley used his black beanie to hide his stressful face. He groans.

The blue skinny elf was feeling bad for his elder brother. Ian holds the blue burly elf's left arm. The blue skinny elf was gloomy. "C'mon, Barley." Ian added, dragging his elder brother to the stairs. "Forget the princess. Merida is better off being single." The blue skinny elf declares.

The Lightfoot brothers went to Ian's bedroom.

Little did they know, someone magically arrived in one bedroom.

The elder woman who loves to go woodcarving. She came from her cottage in the Highland Forest of Scotland.

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