The Quest for the Teleportation Gem

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Barley, Ian and Merida are near the storage closet.

The Manticore was searching something in the room. She was smiling at the brown bow and arrows gear hanging on the wall. The Manticore snag it. She walked towards Merida. The Manticore handed her a weapon. "Here it is, your archery set, Merida." The Manticore said.

Merida was so pleased. "Oh thank ye, Manticore! This is good!" Merida exclaims. She took her bow and arrows from the Manticore.

Merida wore her arrow carrier strap around her upper body. She looked like she was holding her satchel. Merida can't contain herself. "I wanna try them out." She pleaded.

The Manticore was distracted yet delighted. "O-oh! You can practice your archery outside of my tavern!" She decided in exclamation.

Merida was jumping with joy. "Aye! Thank ye again, Manticore! This is beautiful!" She exclaims again.

Merida dashed to the front door.

The Manticore chuckled. "Well, you're welcome, miss!" She hollers.

The Manticore resumes her searching in the storage closet.

Barley and Ian are staggering.

The blue skinny elf was fearful. Ian wants to go stop her. "Merida, I don't think that's a-" The wizard almost finish his sentence.

The blue burly elf halts his youngest brother. "Let her go, Ian." Barley said sternly.

Ian was surprised at his elder brother. "Barley, she WAS casted a spell by the witch. Someone's gonna protect her from anything." Ian urged.

Barley was irritated. "Merida WAS tricked, Ian. She was trying to prove that she CAN protect herself." Barley declares.

Ian shrugged. "Protect herself from what, Barley?" Ian added, inquiring. "Merida followed the wisps and lead her to the witch. And now she's all by herself and no idea how she was here after the witch." Ian said in his confirmation.

Barley sees the obvious. "Even Merida DID follow the wisps." The blue burly elf added. Barley was more worried than his youngest brother. "What fate has really brought her to our world, Ian? If she doesn't follow the trail of wisps, she wouldn't be here, right? RIGHT?!" Barley inquired lots of questions.

Ian was concerned. "I don't know, Barley." Ian added, not feeling some certainty. The blue skinny elf shrugs. "All we know so far is Merida's an human archer. We haven't got a chance to ask more about her." Ian stated.

Barley extended his arms out. "Great, the more we get to know Merida, the more exciting story about her. Ian, she can be the life of our last adventure." Barley mentioned.

Ian attempts to open his mouth. Then, he was noticing the Manticore to return from the storage closet.

Barley turned around.

The Lightfoot brothers faced the tavern owner.

The Manticore brought out more than one thing. She was anxious. "I have found the map for the Teleportation Gem." The Manticore added. She gives Ian the map. The Manticore hands the blue burly elf a sword. "You're gonna need this, Barley." She urged. The blue burly elf was thrilled to have his own weapon for a change.

Ian checks out the map for the Teleportation Gem. The blue skinny elf was perplexed. "The teleporting gem is...somewhere in the trees..." Ian studied.

Barley hovers his youngest brother's right shoulder. The blue burly elf was observant yet bothered. "The Brave Wilderness..." Barley confirmed.

The Manticore was tense. "That's right." She believed.

The Lightfoot brothers stared at the tavern owner.

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