Wait, She's a Bear?!

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Merida had the opened green plaid box on her both hands. The princess was smiling. Merida heads down the stairs carefully.

Laurel sees the princess coming to the kitchen. Laurel was finishing up the dishes. She was quizzed. "Whatcha got there, Merida?" Laurel asks happily.

The princess was emotionless. Merida narrowed her eyes. The princess shrugs. "It's just a cake in this box. My three wee brothers would have love this." Merida answers.

The princess placed the green plaid box on the counter.

Laurel was confident. She decided to go to the silverware drawer. Laurel brought out a fork. She offers it to Merida. "Be my taste tester and tell me how was it." Laurel suggested.

Merida takes the fork from Laurel. The princess was glad. "With pleasure." Merida said.

The princess had her fork piercing a little piece of the cake. Merida ate it. The princess smacks her lips. Merida was starting to make faces. "Bleugh, this is..." The princess trailed off her sentence.

Laurel was confused. She has her eyes widened. "Merida?" Laurel gasped.

The princess walked away from the countertop in her swiftness. Merida trips in the living room. She shrieked. The princess was breathing heavy. Merida feels like she was getting sick. "What was in that CAKE?" The princess inquires quietly.

Laurel was astonished. She hurries to the stairs.

Merida crawled slowly to the couch. She can heard her panicking from upstairs.

Laurel got to Ian's bedroom. She was fearful. "Boys! It's Merida!" Laurel exclaimed.

Barley and Ian looked at their blue elf mother instantly. The Lightfoot brothers are concerned. They ran out of the room with Laurel.

The princess grips on the couch. Merida grabbed on the bright yellow blanket. She was feeling weak from her efforts to get up. Merida flickers her eyes. She was panting awfully. The princess fainted, dragging the bright yellow blanket with her. Merida was completely covered with it.

Laurel came to the living room. She was bewildered. "MERIDA!" Laurel screamed.

Barley and Ian appeared behind their blue elf mom.

Barley surveys the area in his panic. "Mum, where's the cake?!" He exclaims in his inquiry.

Laurel looks at Barley. "The countertop in the kitchen." She added, pointing him out. The blue burly elf dashes to it. Laurel glances at her blue skinny elf son. "Ian, I'm worried. I don't know what's wrong with Merida." Laurel mentioned.

The blue skinny elf faced his blue elf mother. "Mom, the cake was made by the witch of Scotland." Ian added. The Lightfoot brothers' mother gasps. The blue skinny elf extended his arms. "It's hard to explain right now." Ian said in his panicking.

Barley snatched the green plaid box. The blue burly elf was frowning. He calls out to the family pet dragon. "Blazey, BURN THE CAKE DOWN!" Barley shouted.

The little green dragon runs to the blue burly elf.

Barley crouches downwards. The blue burly elf showed Blazey the cake.

The little green dragon halted. Then, Blazey breathes out fire at the cake.

Barley grinned with satisfaction.

The cake became the burnt kind of it.

Laurel was stern at her blue burly elf son. "Barley, take out THAT cake to the trash, mister!" She shouts.

The blue burly elf got up quickly. Barley heads to the side door. The blue burly elf was mischievous. "GOT IT, MUM!" Barley hollered. The blue burly elf was outside for a moment.

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