Although she didn't particularly bought Chaeyoung's lie, she decided to drop it. She rubbed circles on the girl's back hand, which earned a soft smile on Chaeyoung's face.

They resumed eating, but Chaeyoung was still pretty quiet and was almost left to her thoughts when Bambam yet again opened his mouth.

"Okay, I, I gotta ask. Are pigs suddenly flying in the sky? Because holy shit, I've never witness this much silence from our cheerful girl Chaeyoung. Seriously, she's like a whole different person!" Bambam exclaimed.

Chaeyoung's lips quirked upwards, as she put down her glass of water. "Well, sorry to disappoint you but I'm having a break from that cheerful Chaeyoung."

"Yeah, I can see that. Thanks to that sad aura, your girlfriend's attention was on me most of the time, which I'm definitely not complaining." Bambam remarked, winking at Mina.

Chaeyoung didn't further comment on this, not really at the mood to exchange conversation with Mina's fiancè. Bambam kept talking about how lucky he is now that Mina had paid attention to him, occasionally teasing Chaeyoung for losing her charms at impressing Mina. To her, she couldn't bring herself to care.

She was aware of her friends and Mina telling Bambam to tone down his teasing at the short girl and leave her alone, or else at some point she'll eventually talk back and snap in anger.

That moment came when Chaeyoung's ears perked up at Bambam's comment.

"I know I haven't met her, but I could almost sense that her mother has also pale skin as Chaeyoung's... Come to think of it, if Chaeyoung has this cream skin complexion, I wonder if her mother has this super white skin? The kind Koreans have." Then Bambam snickered. "Or like the skin of the white lady? Imagine Chaeyoung's mother having a skin color of ghost. The skin of the dead soul. Woah, that's so creepy... No one wants to be compared with the dead. That's just plain-"

The guy's rambling was cut off when he felt hands gripping the collar of his shirt, being pulled in a standing position, before he felt the hard wall hitting his back. His eyes widened as he stared at Chaeyoung's angry eyes.

"Shut up! Just shut up! Do not talk about my mother like that! You hear me?! You have no fucking right to even speak that way about her! I swear, I'll fucking hurt you! You do not drag my mother in to this! You have no right! You have no fucking right!" Chaeyoung bursted, pushing him back and forth on the wall.

The girls surrounded them, trying to talk Chaeyoung out to let the guy go. Bambam on the other hand, kept apologizing, saying that it was only a joke. But it only fan Chaeyoung's anger. Her right hand, was on Bambam's neck, clenching it tighter.

Chaeyoung felt soft hands wrapped around waist, trying to pull her away, but she didn't budge.

"Chaeng, let Bambam go. He didn't mean what he said. Come on, let him go." Mina whispered.

"No! He talk shit about my mother! He deserve it!" Chaeyoung spatted, her fuming eyes never leaving the poor guy. Bambam's hands went to Chaeyoung, as he begin to struggle for air.

"Chaeng please, you're hurting him. Put your hands down. Chaeng, please. Let him go. Please." Mina says in a desperate tone, as she watch Bambam swiftly patting Chaeyoung's wrist.

Clenching her jaw, Chaeyoung gave a final tight grip before she let him go. Bambam immediately bend down on his knees, quickly gasping for air, his hands going to his neck.

"The next time I hear you mentioning my mother again, I'll do worst than that." Chaeyoung threatened, before she storm off.

She ignored the worry questions thrown to Bambam and the scolding, or the calls from her friends as she slammed the door close. Her body instantly came contact with the bed as she felt the tears stinging her eyes.

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