2: The One With Choices

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The sort of silence that's incredibly loud conquered the room  as all eyes focused on me.

Perhaps they were looking at me because they could hear the pounding of my heart in my chest or perhaps it was because they were curious as to what I could offer their top secret agency. Either way I took in a breath and focused on the white wall in front of me, trying to take it in.
It all felt like some strange dream, where I was arrested and taken for questioning because I was wanted for a job working under the highest authority. They want me. 

"Laconni," the woman's voice broke the thick silence. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes," I say, hoping I don't sound as dazed as I feel.

"Do you understand?" The woman asks haltingly as I search for an emotion. Shouldn't I be feeling something? Confusion or anger or fear or worry or something? Or maybe I'm in shock and that's why I feel oddly...calm.

"I'm not sure I do." I say, furrowing my brows, "you want me. For a development in a specialist top secret agency."

"Yes." The woman answers and I wonder if it's because of the projection that she seems so blunt.

"Ok," I say. My calm mind gets infiltrated by my Father, ask questions. His interview advice echoes around my brain, ask what they're looking for. This might not be the sort of interview his advice was for but the words still rush out. "What is the development?" My fingers start tapping on my leg, "what would my role be in it? Why me for the role? Is it long term? What are you looking for in—"

"One question at a time." Agent... Liza? Lizzina? Lizal, Agent Lizal commands, effectively cutting my tirade short.

"Yes," I say swapping my insistent leg tapping for drawing circles. "Yes, sorry. Is there any questions that I can't ask?"

"There is things I can not tell you at this moment." She replies and I resist the urge to roll my eyes, it'd be so much easier if she didn't answer in riddles.

"Ok," I lick my lips nervously, "first question, what is the development and what is my role in it. Sorry, that was two questions."

"They're linked questions so I'll let it pass." I thought Lizal meant it jokingly but her face is stone serious. "The development is classified but I'll tell you what I can." She pauses, considering her words carefully and I wonder if there are other people in the room with her, "At the agency we have many different departments and specialties. We are hoping to unite some of these special agents. And would need someone normal with them, I can't say anymore."

"So I'd be like a decoy or a red herring?"

"Something along those lines would be part of the reason for your presence." My dad once told me that the best way to get more from people was to not reply, I try out the hack, watching Lizal silently to see if she'll shed a light on any other part. "You also have experience in areas that our agents don't and are capable of caring for yourself."

A small flare of smugness rises in me, Dad's trick worked; although I get a feeling that there is nothing more Lizal will, or can, say.

"Thank you," I nod, "next question: is this permanent?"

"The role would be on a trail period, you will be paid but I can't tell you much more than that. If the trial is successful you would be asked to stay on with your agents. You'd get to travel, see the world and have many once in a lifetime experiences as part of your role." She hesitates, "but there would still be danger. We cannot guarantee safety."

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