Chapter 13

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Marcy's POV

"The rumors were true. You really are a Heartstomper," I overheard someone scream.

Wait a minute, I know that voice. Anne.

I peeked up from behind the snack table to see Anne throwing cups of punch on the ground and storming out. Next thing I know, Sasha is beating the crap out of Zoey.

As that was happening, I made a run for the tent exit. I needed to check on my friend.

I looked around frantically, scanning the area for Anne. I made out a faint crying coming from the parking lot.

I squatted next to her, wrapping an arm around to comfort her, "You wanna talk about what just happened?"

"I came back from getting punch to Sasha kissing Zoey on the lips," Anne sped through her problems, "I knew better than to date someone known as the Heartstomper. I knew she was way to out of my league."

I can't believe Sasha cheated on Anne. I really believed Sasha was different compared to those other cheer bitches.

I hugged Anne tightly, "I'm so sorry, Anne."


Sasha's POV

I hustled out of the tent like it was a life or death situation.

I raced around the whole outside of the school building in search for Anne.

I finally found her and Marcy both huddled together in the parking lot. Marcy shot me a glare, anger visible in her eyes.

"Anne, can we talk," I practically begged, "in private."

Anne wiped her tears away, her eye liner and mascara stained across her face. She leaned over, whispering in Marcy's ear. With that, Marcy went back to the prom tent.

I sat down on the cold, hard concrete next to her, keeping my distance. Anne stayed mostly silent.

Can't say I blame her. What can you say to someone that looked like they cheated on you?

"Anne, I'm so so-," I attempted breaking the stillness, but I did not even finish my sentiment.

"Why did you do it? Did our relationship mean nothing to you? Was I just a game you were playing," Anne snapped.

"I didn't kiss Zoey. She kissed me. I don't want her, I never have. Our relationship means the world to me," I tried defending myself, "Please, I never wanted to hurt you."

Anne stood, dusting off her dress, "I just need some time to think."

Then, she paced off, out of sight.

Did I just get dumped on prom night? Crud, I screwed up.


Hours turned to days and days turned to weeks. A few things have happened since. I haven't talked to Anne since prom night. Marcy has even refused to talk to me. I quit the cheer team. Zoey did let up on bullying Anne and Marcy, but it came with the price of picking on me because I was considered an "outsider." The rumors of ex head cheerleader cheats on her now ex girlfriend.

I have spend my days going to class and eating lunch alone. My nights were spent crying on my mom's shoulders.

The best I could do was give Anne the time and space that she needed.

I struggled to focus in any of my classes, especially since I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

It was time for third block, Algebra. It was probably the easiest class for me.

No Zoey. No preppy cheerleaders. No Marcy. And no Anne.

The teacher was going on about parabolas and so on. Fairly easy concept as long as you were paying attention.

Every now and then, I would catch myself doodling on my notebook pages. Mostly scribbles because I am not that much of an artist.

Despite my little distraction, I managed to be the first one completed with the assignment. I decided to go to the restroom for the remainder of the class period to clear my head.

As I walked in, I saw Zoey and her gal pals smoking cigarettes in the back corner.

I swear I can't get away from these girls for the life of me.

"Look who we have here," Zoey mocked, "Little miss perfect. Or should we call you little miss bitch."

The other girls' laughter grew louder. I just ignored them to the best of my ability. Their taunting did not stop with Zoey though.

"Where's your girlfriend? Did she dump you?"

"Aww Waybright got her heart broken at prom."

The girls just kept making fun, pointing, snickering, and taking photos.

To me, if it kept Anne and Marcy from being bullied, it was definitely worth it.

Suddenly, "Hey Coleman," I overheard someone call out, "leave her alone."

"Who's there," Zoey froze, unsure of who could possibly be taking up for me.

"Me," Anne walked around the corner.

"Anne," I barely let out.

"Looks like Boonchuy came to save Sashy," Zoey popped her neck.

"You know Zoey," Anne reasoned, "I have learned something about you within the past few weeks. People like you never change. You call out everyone for your own insecurities. How you live with yourself is beyond me, but I hope I've given you something to think about."

"Ugh, you and your speeches," Zoey groaned in disgust, "Let's go girls. We have places to be."

They grabbed their bags and left with no more comments or remarks.

"You alright," Anne extended a hand out, reaching to help me out of the floor.

"I'm fine," I clutched her hand as I rose to my feet, "Thanks for standing up to them. You didn't have to do that."

"But I did," Anne smiled, "Despite everything, no one deserves to be treated that way. Not even you."

A small grin appeared on my face with a small burning on my cheeks, "Well I- uh I'll see you around."

I turned away, ready to walk out, but Anne snatched one of my wrist.

"Sasha, wait," Anne continued, "We need to talk? Please."


I think my fandom is the best fandom!!


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