Chapter 7

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Sasha's POV

It took a hot minute to find Anne and Marcy, but we ended up running into each other.

"Now what," I stammered, "I would offer for you guys to come over to my house, but my parents are probably home, and all they do is argue."

"That's okay, Sash," Anne placed a hand on my shoulder, "We can go to my house. My parents are working at the restaurant, but they won't bite when they get off."

"Yeah," Marcy yelped, "Anne's parents are the best!"

I grinned as Anne grabbed my free hand, advancing out of the mall to her place.

Marcy had put headphones in her ears along the way. I assume it was her way of blocking out city noise for comfort music.

Anne and I chatted a lot on the way down the sidewalk.

"What restaurant do your parents work at," I asked.

"They actually work and own Thai Go," Anne responded.

"Oh my god, I love that place," I shook my head in disbelief, "That's so cool!"

Anne smiled as her cheeks turned a bright pink with hints of dark red.

"What do your parents do, Sash," Anne nudged.

I froze up, stuck in my thoughts.

My parents? My constantly arguing parents.

Anne broke my thoughts with the concern in her eyes, "Actually nevermind. I can see through you, Waybright. You don't have to talk about them. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"It isn't that I don't want to talk about them," I barely uttered, "There just isn't much to tell because they are always fussing about something. Just a bunch of nonsense if you ask me."

"Oh," she gasped, "I had no idea."

"It's okay," I shook my hands, "Nobody really knows. Well except you now."

I gave a small smile, almost feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


"This is the place," Anne threw her hands up for dramatic effect.

I slightly snickered.

"I gotta say," I called out, "I'm pretty impressed, Boonchuy."

She once again grabbed ahold of my free hand, pulling me inside of her home.

"Anne," I heard someone holler, "is that you?"

"Yeah," Anne stated back.

Soon enough, a lady walked into the living room with a mixing bowl and whisk in hand.

"Hey Mrs. B," Marcy jumped up, waving.

"Hi Marcy," the lady that I assume is Anne's mom looked from Marcy to me, "and you must be Sasha Waybright. I have heard a lot about you, standing up for my daughter, asking her to prom, and everything. Nice to finally meet you."

What does she mean by "everything?" And Anne talks about me a lot?

"I'm really glad to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Boonchuy," I politely replied.

Marcy, Anne, and I started heading to her room when her mom shouted, "Anne, hold up."

"I will be there in a moment," Anne let go of my hand that I had totally forgot she was holding to begin with.


Anne's POV

"Anne, hold up," I heard my mom.

Sasha and Marcy turned to look at me.

I looked down, realizing that I was still clutching Sasha's hand. I slid my hand loose, "I will be there in a moment."

I rushed back down the hall, "I'm coming."

I took a seat at the kitchen table while my mom finished stirring and began pouring the mix into a pan.

"What is this about," I put my elbows on the table and placing my face in my hands.

"Sasha," my mom investigated, trailing off "she like your girlfriend or-..."

"Mom," I screamed in the lowest tone possible.

"What," she laughed, "I'm just curious. I saw you two holding hands is all."

"I like her a lot," I sighed with frustration, "and sometimes I think she likes me too. I'm afraid to overthink it though. What if when she asked me to be her 'date' to prom, she meant like as a friend?"

"Oh sweetie," my mom sat by me, comforting me, "I think that if she didn't like you, she wouldn't have asked to kiss your cheek, stand up to her supposed friends, and hold your hand like that."

My mom wiped a stray tear off my face, "Now, go to your room and hang out with Marcy and Sasha. We can talk more later if you want."

I hugged her, "Thanks mom. You are the best!"

I approached my room, stopping as I heard Marcy and Sasha talking.


Sasha's POV

"Hey Marcy," we sat in Anne's bedroom floor, waiting, "can I talk to you about something? It's about Anne."

Marcy removed her headphones, wrapping them around her phone, "what's up?"

"Does Anne like me," I simply asked.

"You will need to elaborate," Marcy turned her head.

"I mean does she like like me," I covered my face, in fear of judgement.

"You asking because you like like her," Marcy smirked.

Damn, she's good!

"How'd you know," I wondered.

"It was pretty obvious," Marcy started listing, "The flirty comments, the hand holding, the random kisses on the cheek, the cute compliments, and loads more. Anne tells me all these things. We literally talk all the time."

"Ha, should have thought about that," I felt my face heating up from embarrassment.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Sash," Marcy made an attempt at making me feel better, "Don't worry."

"You are right," I straightened myself out, "You are always right about a lot, Wu."

That's when Anne's door swung open, "Hey guys, I'm back."

She plopped next to me, scooting really close and laying her head on my shoulder.

I wonder if she heard our conversation. That might be a bit awkward in the long run.

"Prom is only a couple days away," Anne ecstatically exclaimed, smile spread across her face.

"I'm excited too," Marcy kicked her feet with joy, "What about you, Sasha?"

I struggled finding the words, "Uh um yeah! Thrilled!"

I adjusted my head to whisper in Anne's ear, "I'm even more intrigued about going with my date."

I felt the Anne's face flushing in a very noticable redness, "Me too."


Prom is approaching and fast...

What do you guys think will happen?


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