Chapter 12

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Anne's POV

Along the way to the school for prom, Sasha clung to my hand. I occasionally stole glances at between our hands and her.

She was so cute. Handsome even.

Marcy was literally running ahead. I just hope she doesn't fall again. She might just break her leg if she isn't careful.

"You're a little quiet," I nudged causing Sasha to blush.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "just doing a lot of thinking is all."

"Oh really," I asked, "Whatcha thinking about?"

Sasha paused in her steps before pulling me close to her, "You."

I removed my hand from hers, looping both arms around her neck.

"You're just so pretty, Anne," she smirked and placed her lips on mine.

I never realized how soft Sasha's lips actually were.

It was a short kiss, but the passion was clearly there.

After pulling away, I heard a car behind me. I felt Sasha tense up all over.

"Hey Waybright," Zoey yelled, rolling down a window, "you and your girlfriend get a room!"

Zoey and her gang had rented a limo. They do every year to rub in every other kids face that they have money.

"I would say you guys could ride in the limo," Zoey continued to tease, "Oh wait, looks like there is no room for losers."

I sensed Sasha was feeling uneasy due to her firm and tight grip on my hand.

I started thinking about Sasha standing up for me and Marcy. Now, it was my turn.

I let go of Sasha's hand, pointing at Zoey from the sidewalk, "You know what Zoey, shut the hell up! All you do is manipulate and pick on everyone! You are a horrible person! I don't know how anyone could want to be friends with you!"

Zoey got silent, not knowing how to retaliate. She started shaking her head in denial and rolled up her window. The limo was soon out of site.

I checked in, "Sash, are you okay? You kinda tensed up there."

Sasha stood shocked, "That was amazing, Boonchuy!"

I shrugged my shoulders, winking, "Pfffft, I may have picked it up from a certain someone."


Zoey's POV

That stupid Boonchuy girl doesn't know what she's talking about! She is going to regret ever standing up to me as long as I have a say in things!


Sasha's POV

When we finally arrived to the school, our tickets were checked by staff.

Can't have another fake ticket scandal. Ah I remember when they finally caught the kid selling the phoney tickets. He was suspended for a week and prohibited from attending prom his remainder of high school.

The staff working the table directed us around to the back of the school. It was the first outdoor prom with "Starry Night" as the theme. There was a large tent pitched up, decorated with lots of lights, music blaring, a snack corner, and even a red carpet leading into the tent.

As fancy as it was, it is literally the most perfect night ever! Not a cloud in the sky, a full moon, and a sky full of bright shining stars.

Marcy was long gone, probably taking over the snack table. I have picked up that she is all about the snacks.

I extended my arm, almost bowing to Anne, "May I have this dance?"

Anne snickered under her breath, playing me with sarcasm, "Hmm I don't know. My girlfriend might get jealous."

I felt the smirk spread, staggering forward and slithering my arms around her waist, "Oh really?"

Anne walked her fingers up to my shoulders, "One dance couldn't hurt, right?"

"I want to dance with you all night," I remarked.

Anne laid her hands behind my neck, closing the small gap between us and laying her head against my chest.

We slowed danced to a few songs and free styled to others.

"I am going to go get us some punch," Anne commented, walking to the snack corner.

I waited around, almost feeling awkward. That's when I saw Zoey skipping towards me.

Ugh god just take me now!

"Hey Sasha," Zoey smiled like she hadn't done anything, "Nice suit!"

"What the fuck do you want, Coleman," I dramatically interrogated, "You didn't hold up your end of the bargain. We agreed that you'd stop picking on Anne and Marcy."

"Why should I? It is almost like you called off our little bet because of your crush," Zoey glanced from her nails to my eyes.

I felt so angry with her, "You need to shut your face. Right now. End. Of. Discussion."

"Or what," Zoey got closer, "Do you realize how much I give up for you? I made you the most popular girl in school. I made you cheer captain. I gave you everything because..."

She trailed off, grabbing the jacket of my suit, kissing me.

I pushed her off, hearing someone sniffling behind me. I turned to see Anne, a cup of punch in each hand and tears pouring from her face.

"Sash, ho- how could you," Anne said in-between sobs.

"Anne, I ca-," I didn't even get all my words out.

Anne threw the punch on the ground, "The rumors were true. You really are a Heartstomper."

She stomped out the tent. You could almost see the steam coming from her ears.

I started to go after her, but Zoey clutched my wrist.

"Now that she is out of the way," Zoey continued, "It is finally my turn."

"Let me go, Zoey," I demanded, "Now!"

She stubbed up, refusing to release my wrist, "C'mon Sasha!? I like you. Just give me a cha-"

I cut her off, punching her in the face, specifically her nose.

"Ah," Zoey pulled her hand away from her bloody nose, "how dare you? Do you know how much this dress costed?"

Zoey jumped at me, trying to slap at me. I managed to avoid most of her slaps, but she did hit me a few times. Personally, I got a few punches in before two staff members pulled us apart.

Zoey ended up leaving prom early because they were pretty sure I broke her nose. Now I can get back to Anne. Oh shit, Anne! I got to go after her.


After a long wait, Zoey finally got what she deserves...

And a cliffhanger...


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