Chapter 9

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Homophobia, Daddy Issues⚠️

Sasha's POV

I sat in utter silence on the living room couch, clutching my phone. In my parents' room, I heard my mom griping and defending me while he packed his stuff.

You're probably wondering how it came to this. Let me explain...


I slipped back inside from speaking to Anne, my face still flustered and looking at the floor. For my house, it was quiet. Too quiet.

I glanced up, making direct eye contact with my parents. My mom standing with her arms crossed and tapping her foot. My father stood with an angry, but confused look.

"Who was that," my mom asked.

Well. It looks like it is finally time to be open and honest with my parents.

"That was Anne, my girlfriend," I laid out the hard truth.

"Your girlfriend," my dad let out a fake laugh, "Oh no no no. My daughter isn't gay."

"Hold up there," my mom threw an arm out, "let her speak."

"I know I'm not straight, and I know I'm not gay," I explained, "I'm bi. I like guys and girls. I always have. I know it is a lot to take in, but this is me."

I closed my eyes tight, waiting for the fallout and get the hell out of this house. That didn't happen.

My mom hugged me, "Oh sweetheart. I love you regardless. As long as you are happy, that is all that matters. I'm so sorry that you felt like you couldn't tell me."

I hugged her back, allowing tears to rush down my face.

My father didn't budge. He stood stiffer than a log, only shaking his head.

"This isn't right," he snapped, "Sasha, you are in the wrong! I will get you some help. There is a special guy waiting out there for you. You just haven't found him yet."

"What," I continued to sob in pain in my mom's chest.

"Hang on," my mom got in father's face, poking his chest, "Sir, listen to me and listen close. One, do not EVER talk to our daughter like that again! Two, there is nothing wrong with her. Do you understand me?"

My father shrugged in anger, stomping off to their room. He pulled out a suitcase, yanking out his clothes and tossing them in the suitcase.

"Wait here, sweetie," my mom always seemed to do what was best.

I curled on the couch, holding my phone. I could make out the entire screaming match between my parents.

"Running way," mom squalled, "and just so you know, I'm filing for divorce! This has gone on long enough!

"I don't understand how you are so okay with our daughter being a lesbian," father shouted.

Mom continued defending me, "She is bi, not a lesbian! Did you not listen to her at all? To me, her happiness is very important regardless of the gender of her partner!"

"No! This will all blow up! It's unethical," father screamed.


"Get out now," I heard the final blow from my mom, "before I call the police."

Father zipped up the suitcase, practically dashing out the door. He slammed the door, refusing to look at me.

My mom ran to me on the couch, embracing me another hug, "Are you okay?"

I bursted into tears, not holding back. My mom knew how rude my father was.

I have never really been close to father. I was never "Daddy's Little Girl," "Daddy's Princess," "Daddy's Little Mess Maker," or whatever else they're calling father-daughter relationships. I was always closer to my mom. We usually talked about everything.

I finally managed to pull myself together, wiping my remaining tears on my shirt. I took a few deep breaths to ensure I was okay.

"We will get through this together," my mom reassured me.

I shook my head, "yeah."

"Now, one more matter of business," she was serious.

I'm sure you could see the panic in my eyes.

"Tell me about this Anne girl," my mom grinned.

What a relief? Ha!

I started telling my mom everything about Anne, not leaving out a single detail.

Which reminds me. I can call the bet with Zoey off. She can't threaten me with outing me anymore. To be honest, I could careless about being head and star cheerleader. I'm going to leave that part out of my conversation with mom.

"I am so proud that you stuck up for those girls," mom clasped her hands together, "Anne sounds like a wonderful girl. I can't wait to meet her. Oh my gosh, we need to get a corsage and boutonniere!"

"Mommmm," I dragged.

"What," she kept the smile on her face, "You are clearly crazy about her."

I blushed, trying to hide it.

Mom caught me, "See. There's nothing wrong with that, sweetie."

"Thanks mom," a small grin formed on my face.

I gave her one last hug before going to bed.

I laid in bed, whipping out my phone to send a few quick texts to Zoey.

Me: Hey Coleman! Meet me in the main bathroom. Monday morning before first block.

Me: And don't be late.

Zoey: Wow Waybright! Look at you playing commander.

Zoey: Yeah yeah. I'll be there.

I exited out of Zoey's texts, and sent a some to Anne.

Me: Thanks for bringing my stuff by the house.

Me: You didn't have to do that.

Anne😘: It was really no problem.

Anne😘: If I hadn't come, then I wouldn't be dating a blonde, cheerleading goddess.

Me: You flatter me!

Me: oOoOO couldn't have that, now could we?

Anne😘: Nope.

Anne😘: I'm going to sleep now. I have to help my parents at the restaurant tomorrow. Goodnight.

Me: Goodnight babe. Sweet dreams.



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