Chapter Two: The Woods

Start from the beginning

The three of us began walking towards the side entrance of the school when Eddie placed a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Chrissy, you mind if I steal Alyx for a sec?" I was too stunned to protest.

"Oh sure! I'm going to go on ahead, I'll see you later Alyx!" She smiled and continued to the school.

I shook his hand off of my shoulder, "What is it Munson?" The venom in my voice shocked even me.

Eddie looked around to make sure that Chrissy was no longer in ear shot before replying.

"Woah, what's with the attitude? You know what, doesn't matter. I just think you should know that your friend is really going through something." Eddie seemed genuinely concerned.

"Yeah I know, but she won't tell me anything." My voice cracked and I felt the tears stinging at my eyes.

"Hey," Eddie's voice softened "I'm sure she'll talk when she's ready. I just wanted to tell you that she asked me for something stronger so I'm going to give her some special K, after the game."

I looked into Eddie's dark brown eyes, the warmth I felt in them was intoxicating. I could tell he was trying his best to help but the thought of him and Chrissy alone brought back all the anger that I'd stuffed down just a few moments ago.

I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing. Chrissy asking for Special K was so completely out of character and Eddie being willing to provide it, well that didn't shock me half as much. There was so much I wanted to say but words just started escaping my lips before I could even process what I was saying.

"Munson are you serious, special K?! Isn't that dangerous! I can't believe you!" I shouted.

"Alyx keep your voice down! I'm just doing exactly what you asked me too. I am providing a service that's all." Eddie's voice was rising a few octaves too.

"Sure, whatever." I shrugged and began walking away.

"Alright go ahead and walk away, that's what you're best at!" He called after me.

"Take's a coward to know a coward." I said loud enough for him to hear.

He didn't reply and I didn't dare turn around to look at him. I tried to ignore the sting of his words as I trudged back into Hawkins High. Some little part of me hoping that Eddie Munson would follow me but I knew he wouldn't. By the time I'd made it into the main building the bell had rung and students were flooding the hallways. I finally decided to check if Eddie had followed me but just as I suspected, he hadn't.


I wasn't going to let the events of the day ruin my mood, I still had a game to cheer for tonight so I needed to get myself back into the right headspace.

Just get through the rest of today and then you can get drunk as shit at Jason's party.

I went  over to my locker to grab my books for Science but to my ultimate dismay there were two 9th graders blocking my way.

"Move please." I tried to sound kind but there was no denying the edge in my voice.

"Alyx, it's me Mike Wheeler. Nancy's brother, you came over once to work on a project with her?" Mike seemed nervous.

"Yeah I know. You stole one of my bracelets and broke it because you thought it was Nancy's ." I replied.

"And he's real sorry about that. Hi, Dustin Henderson, we haven't had the pleasure of meeting." He stuck out his hand, waiting for me to shake it.

I grabbed his hand and shook it quickly all the while trying to piece together what this awkward meeting was all about. The two boys looked at each other and then at me.

"So, we know about your little conversation with Eddie at lunch and uhm well we need someone to fill in for our club meeting. We know that he told you that if he did you a favor you'd owe him one so..." Dustin continued rambling on.

My mind was racing and the fury burning inside me was rising up begging to be let out.

"Are you blackmailing me into Hellfire? What makes you think that I'd go play DnD with you guys just because I owe Munson a favor? Did he put you up to this?!" I interjected angrily.

"No we're not blackmailing you! We'd never do that, he'd never do that! We just assumed that you would want to get the favor over with..." Dustin tried his hardest to recover, part of me felt bad for making him this anxious.

"Wait how'd you know we were a DnD club?" Mike questioned.


"I mean I thought everyone knew that, it says it in the yearbook description." I said coolly, trying to play my mistake off.

"Oh but it doesn't Alyx. So you know what DnD is, you've played it, have you been to Hellfire Night Before?!" The excitement in Dustin's voice was enough to make me cringe.

I never ever wanted to think about that stupid club, especially after Munson inherited it. I thought I'd put enough distance between me and those Hellfire nerds that I'd never even have to talk to them ever again but here I am, talking to them.

"Dustin keep your voice down." I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to the point where our noses were almost touching. I looked around nervously to see if anyone had heard him.

"Sorry." He murmured as I let him go.

He quickly adjusted his shirt while Mike stood there analyzing me.

"Look whatever issue you have with Eddie or Hellfire isn't our business,  we just really need someone to fill in since Lucas can't come tonight because of the game. We can't complete this campaign without him or another player." Mike said defeatedly.

"The campaign is tonight? Guys do you not see me right now, I'm in a cheer uniform. I'm going to be performing at the game, even if I wanted to fill the spot I couldn't." I said with exasperation.

The realization hit both of the boys at the same time. They began arguing, each one calling the other stupid. Admittedly I wanted to call both of them stupid but that would have been too mean and it honestly wasn't their fault, I could tell they were desperate.

"Boys, no need to fight. Sorry I can't help out, would if I could but I can't." I shrugged as I opened my locker to grab my books.

Mike and Dustin walked away, defeated looks plastered on each of their faces. I almost felt bad but I really couldn't just skip the game. The entire cheer squad would be wondering where I was not to mention coach and the basketball team. Plus, going to Hellfire just wasn't something I saw myself ever doing again, not after the last time I'd attended one of their meetings.

I tried to put the events of the day behind me as I made my way to my next class.

I took a deep breath and plastered a fake smile across my face.

I just need to get through the rest of today.

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