Chapter 6 "Beacon[2]" & "White Fang"

Start from the beginning

"Well, you can all move your feet after all."

You looked at the group of students.

"One person step forward. Anyone."

Weiss stepped forward.

You were surprised. You didn't think she'd want to participate after yesterday.


"Weiss. Brave of you to volunteer. But since you did... Weiss' teammates, all of you step forward."

Team RWBY stepped forward.

"Great. Follow me."

You walked about 12 steps away from the group of students before stopping.

"Weiss, you stand here."

Weiss would stand where you previously were.

"Now, the rest of her teammates, you stand next to her left or right. It doesn't matter, but leave some space between one another."

They followed your directions.


You went back to the group of students.

"Okay... Someone else step forward."

This time, Pyrrha stepped forward.

"Pyrrha's teammates, you all step forward as well."

So, they did, and you recognized them all considering you watched most teams during the team building exercise you did yesterday.

"Follow me."

You took them over beside Team RWBY and they'd all stand spaced out.

You eventually got everyone lined up behind Team RWBY and JNPR.

Going to the front of the class, you'd stand before everyone.

"Everyone have a seat. And sit comfortably to your liking."

You'd take a seat on the floor as well.

"Now, close your eyes... And breathe... In through the nose, out through the mouth. Follow the sensation of your breath as it goes in and out."

Everyone eventually follows the directions.

You'd all do it for around a minute before you spoke up.

"If you notice your mind has wandered, simply return your attention to your breath. Just concentrate... And breathe..."

You drowned everything else out but your breath. There was a strange feeling you hadn't felt before, a tingling feeling that went down to your fingertips...

It was a feeling that you didn't hate. You couldn't explain it... It somewhat felt good but strange at the same time.

You felt a familiar feeling would sting in your palm. The rest of your body felt numb, but your hands started to sting.

It was as if you had opened your eyes as you appeared in a familiar place.

You looked to your left and saw Tian's shack.

'Ah... I'm here...?'

Looking forward you noticed yourself. It was definitely you because you noticed the purely black kimono you wore.

Tian wore a black kimono lined with white.

You grabbed the top half of your kimono where some of your chest was exposed before pulling it off and it laid at your hips.

Your hand slid to the sword's grip. You could practically feel the wooden sword in your hands.

The feeling of the wooden grip brushing against your fingertips.

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