Chapter Eight

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It was July 17th,Gladstone, and Emilie's wedding day.They decided that they should have their wedding in the park,as Emilie felt uncomfortable having the wedding at Grandma Duck's farm, and Scrooge said no to them having the wedding in his backyard.They invited both sides of their families,with a few exceptions.
They were hesitant to invite Scrooge due to the way he said 'no' to them.It wasn't a simple no,it was a brutal insulting no.Grandma Duck said they should invite Scrooge because he was family, but Aunt Matilda said it was their wedding, and they could invite anybody they wanted.But in the end,they invited Scrooge.
Although Emilie invited her siblings,she refused to invite her Aunt Charlotte,and Uncle Harold,and their daughter Gloria.If they were willing to let their nieces, and nephews become homeless without a second thought,then they weren't going to be invited to the wedding.
But other than the people that were mentioned,along with people that were relatively unknown,or nobody wanted,Gladstone, and Emilie invited all their friends, and relatives.Thankfully,neither one of them had many friends,so it was mostly relatives.


Emilie was looking at her wedding dress in the full length mirror in the bridal suite hat was near the park where the wedding was being held.It was a beautiful dress that had been passed down through generations ever since the 1800's.It had some alterations since then,so it had a more modern look.
Emilie wondered who would wear the dress next after her.If she, and Gladstone had a daughter then Emilie could see her wearing it on her own wedding day.But which one of her sisters? Emilie couldn't see Annebelle wearing the dress.Or Danielle, and Kelly for that matter.Maybe Denise,or Mimi?
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Hello?"said Emilie when she answered the door.
"It's time."said Annebelle,who was on the other side,along with Emilie's other sisters.
Emilie exited the bridal suite.
"Emilie,you look so beautiful!"said Mimi.
"Thank you!"said Emilie,twirling around.
"Now let's get you married!"said Annebelle.
"Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I haven't found somebody to keep an eye on you."said Emilie.
Clearly,Annebelle thought it did.


Emilie took a deep breath.She was at the park, and about to walk down the aisle.She felt like there would be a million eyes on her.But Emilie couldn't focus on that.She just had to focus on Gladstone, and his eyes on her.
Suddenly the Wedding March began.
'Just think about Gladstone.Ignore everyone else.They don't matter,just Gladstone.' Emilie repeatedly thought to herself as she walked down the aisle.
When Emilie got to the altar,the minister began to talk about the importance of marriage, and what had to go into it to make it work.But Emilie wasn't paying attention,she was too busy looking at Gladstone, and wondering what their future held.She knew it was going to be wonderful,no matter what it held.
"And now for the vows."said the justice of the peace,interrupting Emilie's thoughts. "Do,you Gladstone Gander,take this woman to be your wife.Promise to be true to her in good times, and in bad,in sickness, and in health.Love, and honor her all the days of her life?"
"I do."said Gladstone.
"And,do you,Emilie Duckman,take this man to be your husband.Promise to be true to him in good times, and in bad,in sickness, and in health.Love, and honor him all the days of his life?"the justice of the peace asked Emilie.
"I do."said Emilie.
"You may now exchange rings."said the justice of the peace.Gladstone, and Emilie exchanged rings. "I now pronounce you man, and wife.You may now kiss the bride."
Gladstone left Emilie's veil.
'Nothing could ruin this moment.' thought Emilie as she, and Gladstone shared their first married kiss.


It was the beginning of the wedding reception.Emilie wished she, and Gladstone hadn't invited some many people as after a while greeting everybody in high heels started to hurt.Thankfully,they managed to greet everybody without any issues.
No bad the same couldn't be said for the toast that Annebelle gave the newlyweds, and the outcome of it.
"Thank you everybody for coming to my sister's wedding!"said Annebelle,who grabbed the microphone before Matilda could,much to her anger. "Now, I know I'm much better looking than the bride,so if you're a rich,good looking man,call me!But seriously folks,somebody had to marry my sister, and I guess Green cousin's standards are really low.But really,if you're a rich,good looking man who struck out with Daisy Duck,call me! I openly admit that all I care about is your body, and money."
At this point Matilda took the microphone away from Annebelle.
"What is wrong with you?!" Matilda demanded.
"What?That was my toast."said Annebelle.
"You insulted your sister,didn't even know the groom's name, and made it all about yourself by trying to get yourself a date!"
"Um-last time I checked,weddings were about romance, and I plan on getting a surplus of men at this event."
"You're disgusting!"
"Um-how about I gave my toast to the happy couple?"asked Ludwig,standing up, and grabbing the microphone away from Annebelle.
"My toast would probably be better."said Annebelle as she sat.
Annebelle was wrong,in fact,every toast after her's was better.That included Izzy's,who told Emilie, and Gladstone that she foresaw they would never divorce (which was comforting), and how many descendants they would be from their own children to their great-great-great-great-great grandchildren,which for Emilie, and Gladstone,was too much information.And Huey, Dewey, and Louie's toast,which congratulated Emilie, and Gladstone, and asking for cake.
The reception went well.Everybody enjoyed the entertainment.Especially Donald,who was happy to have the chance to dance with Reginella, who won the family over,especially Scrooge.Everybody also enjoyed the food,but mostly the wedding cake.
At long last,the reception was over, and it was time for Emilie, and Gladstone to go on their honeymoon in France.All in all,everybody had fun.
Expect for Annebelle,who failed in her quest to get a surplus of men.

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