Chapter Two

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Gladstone woke up with a shock.He still lying down, but why, he didn't know.Gladstone never had a dream like that. Emilie was in it, and she was wearing see-through figure flattering negligée with her hair down.What happened in the dream was obvious.
But,why-why- would he have a dream like that?Gladstone met Emilie only one week ago.Yes, he felt like there were feelings for her.But Gladstone was certain that was because of the amount of time they were spending together.
'And how much nicer Emilie is than Daisy.' Gladstone thought.
Gladstone shook his head.There had-had-to be a logical reason for his dream.Thankfully,as a extremely superstitious individual, he had multiple dream interpretation books.Gladstone was certain one of them had the answer for why he had the dream.
After getting dressed,Gladstone grabbed all his dream interpretation books. The first book he looked at was Dream Symbols.
'Let's see,meadows,pink flowers,hearts,sex.' thought Gladstone as he went through the book.
Apparently there were a lot of dream interpretations for meadows.But the one that seemed to apply to Gladstone's situation was running in a meadow, and lying down in a meadow.
'Apparently I'm going to enter a beautiful phase in my life, and a peaceful phase in my life.'  thought Gladstone.That was odd,as he thought his life was already peaceful due to his luck.
'Now on to pink flowers.' thought Gladstone.
Looking through the same book,Gladstone found only one interpretation.
'Friendship,affection,harmony,inner peace, and friendliness.' Gladstone read.
But what did that mean?Perhaps finding out what the heart,and sex parts of the dream meant.Unfortunately,there were many interpretations for heart,but none that applied to sex.There was only one thing to do.
'I have to ask for help.' thought Gladstone.
But Gladstone only knew two people who could help him.Gryo Gearloose, and Ludwig Von Drake.Despite how confused Gladstone's dream made him, he knew that he did not want Donald to find out about what he dreamed about.Donald would never let him hear the end of it.Which was why he decided to go to Ludwig.Donald was too close to Gyro, and despite what Donald thought, he wasn't that close to Ludwig.


"Hi Uncle Ludwig!"said Gladstone when Ludwig answered the door.
"Gladstone! I didn't expect to see you today!Come in,come in!"Ludwig said,moving aside to let Gladstone in.
"Thanks, I actually wanted to talk to you."
"Oh,about what?"
Gladstone didn't say anything.Now that he was in front of Ludwig, he found it hard to say what was on his mind.
"Perhaps it'll be easier to discuss whatever's on your mind in my office?"suggested Ludwig.
"Yeah, that might work."said Gladstone.
The two men walked to Ludwig's office.When they got there,Ludwig sat behind his desk while Gladstone sat in a chair in the corner.
"So,what is the matter?"
"I had a-weird-dream last night."said Gladstone.At least he said something.
"Ah,so we're getting somewhere.Now can you tell me what this kooky dream was about?"asked Ludwig.
Gladstone's eyes grew wide, and he felt his face turn red.As much as Gladstone didn't want to,he knew he had to....

It was a cloudless sunny day,Gladstone was in a beautiful green meadow full of pink flowers.But there was something unusual about these flowers,the petals were heart shaped.Suddenly,Gladstone heard a voice.
It was Emilie's voice.She was dressed like she normally did.Her long brown hair tied up in a ponytail,blue blouse,gray skirt,blue high heels.But there was some different about her.Emilie's hair was shinier than normal,her gray eyes seemed to sparkle.
Gladstone couldn't help himself,he ran towards her, and Emilie ran towards him.When they reached each other,they grabbed each other's hands, and twirled each other until they fell onto the ground.But Emilie looked-different once again.
Emilie was wearing different clothes.She was wearing a short see-through negligée that showed off the shape of her body.Her hair was also down,with one side of her bangs covering one of her eyes.But for some reason, she was still wearing heels,except they were white,not blue.
"Are you ready,Gladstone?"asked Emilie in a seductive voice as she twirled her fingers in his hair, and had one of her hands on his chest.
"Ready?"asked Gladstone.
"Oh,yes.Ready.Ready for endless passion, and unbridled ecstasy."said Emilie before kissing him.
Gladstone kissed her back, and put his arms on her back.

"And we ended up having sex."Gladstone said,ending his story.Somehow,talking about the dream made him feel better, he just hoped that Ludwig wasn't judging him.Gladstone looked up to see if Ludwig was.He wasn't,in fact, Ludwig seemed deep in thought.
"Many people believe the Freudian belief that dreams are subconscious desire-"began Ludwig.
"So,my dream was telling me that I want to have sex with Emilie in a meadow that has flowers with pink heart shaped petals?"asked Gladstone.
"No,no,no,no,you're missing the least I hope you don't want to have sex with Emilie in a meadow."
"No. I just want to know why I had this dream."
"Your dream is a subconscious desire to be with Emilie."
Gladstone didn't say anything for a while.Mainly because he didn't what to say.It didn't make sense,especially since-
"I only met one week ago!And I was just helping her out with the unpacking to impress Daisy!To prove to her that I'm not a self-absorbed narcissist!"
"Did you tell Daisy what you did?"asked Ludwig.
"No."said Gladstone.
"If you did it to impress Daisy,then why didn't you tell her what you did?"
"Because Emilie was so much better than Daisy!Daisy would have made me do everything,Emilie actually helped!When I accidentally insulted her sister, she got mad,rightfully so,but she didn't flip out.Daisy would have.Emilie decided to make me dinner as thanks for helping her! I told her she didn't have to, but she did anyway!Daisy probably would have expected me to take her out to dinner!Emilie's reaction to me telling her that I'm lucky? 'You have no siblings?'.Daisy's?How can I use Gladstone's luck to make Donald jealous?"
Suddenly realization dawned on Gladstone.
"Oh,god,you're right."said Gladstone.
"Of course I am! I didn't get all these degrees for being stupid you know!"said Ludwig.
"Thanks for helping me out,Uncle Ludwig."
"No problem. I just hope that you act on your feelings."said Ludwig before Gladstone left.
Gladstone actually hoped the same thing,along with hoping that Emilie returned his feelings.


"I can't believe you aren't taking me to the Duck Ritz Restaurant!You know how much I've always wanted to go!You told me we were going to go today!"Daisy yelled at Donald.
"I know,Daisy, but I don't have the money.The boys-"began Donald.
"I'm tired of your excuses!You don't have enough money, but you have plenty of excuses!"
"But Daisy-"
"No!It's always excuses for you Donald, and why you can't do things for me!"said Daisy as she walked away.
"Daisy!Wait!Let me make it up to you!I'll make you dinner! It'll just be the two of us! I can send the boys to Scrooge!"beseeched Donald.
But Daisy ignored Donald.
"Why hello Gladstone!"said Daisy in a sing-song voice.
Donald began to fume.He knew what was going to happen.Daisy was going to ask Gladstone if he could take her to the Duck Ritz Restaurant,which he'll agree to.Only for Daisy in the end,to go back to Donald.
"Gladstone,would you mind taking me to the Duck Ritz Restaurant?"Daisy asked in her most flirtatious voice.
"No."said Gladstone,surprising both Daisy, and Donald.
"What?Why?"asked Donald, and Daisy in shock.
Although Donald's shock was a happy shock,as Gladstone turning down Daisy meant he was no longer interested in her, and Daisy can no longer use Gladstone to make him jealous.Daisy's shock was an upset shock.Ironically,her reasoning was the same as Donald's,as it meant that she stuck with Donald, and not having the things she wanted,and feels she deserved.
"Because I'm not interested in you anymore. I'm interested in somebody else."said Gladstone.
"Who?"asked Donald, and Daisy,both trying to contain their emotions.
"Emilie Duckman."said Gladstone before walking off.
Donald, and Daisy didn't say anything until Gladstone was out of earshot.
"Emilie Duckman!?That new school teacher!?"protested Daisy as Donald laughed.
"I guess you can't use Gladstone anymore,huh Daisy?"laughed Daisy.
Daisy simply walked off.But Donald didn't care.To him,it was a good day,Gladstone had lost interest in Daisy which meant that Donald wouldn't be wasting his day trying to ruin their date.Or hope that Gladstone messed it up himself without his sabotaging.
And since neither Donald,nor Gladstone were taking Daisy to the Duck Ritz Restaurant,Donald decided to go back home to Huey,Dewey, and Louie.

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