Chapter Seven

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Daisy was at the Duckburg Ritz Restaurant, but she wasn't happy.After Donald dumped her (publicly!) men lined up to date her.Men who kept their promises,gave her expensive gifts,took her to expensive restaurants, and took her to incredible places for vacation.Sure, she always dumped them, but there was always another man in line,waiting for her.
But then Daisy found out about Donald getting a new girlfriend,apparently her name was Reginella.At first,Daisy didn't mind,after all,if she got tired of Donald after a while,then so would Reginella.But it turned out,that Donald was happy with Reginella-probably happier than he ever was with her.
It was that that made Daisy realize how horrible she was to Donald, and why she always dumped the new men in her life.In the end,they were all men who were just trying to impress with their wealth, and nothing else.
Which was how Daisy noticed Gladstone, and Emilie in the most romantic corner of the restaurant...


Emilie looked around the Duckburg Ritz Restaurant.Gladstone only took her there if there was a special occasion as he knew she didn't like extravagant things.And the Duckburg Ritz Restaurant wasn't just the most expensive restaurant, but also the most extravagant restaurant.They only came here for birthdays, and special occasions.
"So,what's the special occasion?"asked Emilie.
"What do you mean?"asked Gladstone,hoping Emilie hadn't caught on to the fact that he was going to propose to her.
"We only come here for birthdays, and special occasions.It's neither one of our birthdays,which means it's a special occasion.So,what's the special occasion?"
"You're right.It is a special occasion.But why don't we wait until the end of dinner?"
"Ooo.A mystery. I'm intrigued."said Emilie,shooting Gladstone a seductive look.
Gladstone took Emilie's hand, and kissed it.Suddenly the waiter came,ruining the mood.
"I am Jacque, I will be your servicer this evening.Have you decided on drinks?"said Jacque.
"Yes.I'll have a Riesling."said Emilie.
"And I'll have a Pina colada." said Gladstone.
"Very good."said Jacque. "Now would you like some appetizers?"
"Yes.We'll like to share a basket of mozzarella sticks."said Gladstone.
"Very good. I will be back shortly with your drinks, and appetizers."said Jacque.
After Jacque left Emilie asked what Gladstone his surprise was.
"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise now,would it?"answered Gladstone as he stroked Emilie's arm.
"No, I suppose it wouldn't.But it would be nice to know."said Emilie as she caressed his foot with her own.
Neither one of them realized that they were being watched....


Daisy turned away from Emilie, and Gladstone and went back to paying attention to her own date.
That was a mistake.
Daisy's beau,Bogus Badger,was still talking about his new weatherman job at great length.
"And that's when Duckburg Channel 7 News called me,Bogus Badger,to be their new weatherman!Can you believe it! Of course you can-"said Bogus.
"Bogus,don't you want to hear about me?" asked Daisy.
Bogus looked at her in shock.
"My god,Daisy,not everything's about you.Now where was I?Oh,yes,of course...."
Daisy looked around the restaurant.She didn't see Donald, and Reginella.But then again,if Donald couldn't afford to take her to the Duckburg Ritz Restaurant,he couldn't afford to bring Reginalla.
Daisy's eyes wandered over to where Gladstone, and Emilie were....


"Oh,come on,Gladdy,tell me!"begged Emilie.
"Nope.You're going to have to wait."said Gladstone,his hands in Emilie's own hands.
"Can I at least guess?After all, I gave you three guesses."
"I suppose that's okay.But I won't be surprised if you get it right before three guesses.Your pretty smart."
"Umm...this is a special it the anniversary of a special event?"
"No."said Gladstone,surprised by the approach that Emilie was taking.Clearly she was going to guess what was going on with hints, and not randomly blurting out random things.
"Ummm...special occasion....not the anniversary of a special event.....romantic atmosphere....will it be the anniversary of a special event?"
"I hope so."
Emilie smirked, and then opened her mouth.
Only for their servicer,Jacque to return to take their dinner order.
"Are you order?"asked Jacque.
"Yes,I'll like the spaghetti."said Emilie.
"Very good,ma'am.And you,sir?"said Jacque,turning to Gladstone.
"I'll like the Lemon Shrimp with Parmesan Rice."said Gladstone.
"Thank you.I'll be back with your order."said Jacque before he left with the menus.
Gladstone noticed that Emilie had a smile on her face.
"You know,don't you?"asked Gladstone.He didn't know why he asked.It was obvious that she did.
Emilie simply nodded.
"Well,since you already know-"said Gladstone.
Gladstone got one knee, and took out a dark red valet box.
"Emilie,will you marry me?"asked Gladstone when he opened the box,revealing a 20 karat diamond ring shaped like a pearl.
Emilie didn't say anything.She was too shocked by the size of the diamond.
"Um-Emilie?"asked Gladstone.
"Oh,yes!Of course!Of course, I will!"said Emilie,holding out her right hand.
"Thank you,Emilie!Thank you!"said Gladstone,picking her up, and twirling her around.

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