Chapter Three

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Gladstone had finally decided to ask Emilie out.It took two weeks, but that was because of a number of reasons.Trying to figure out what to say,where to ask her out, and more importantly,working up the nerve.
It felt weird,that him,Gladstone Gander-the luckiest person in the world-would be nervous about something.But every time Gladstone felt like he could ask Emilie out,the fact that he believed she deserved somebody better,or would say no because of that reason.
Which was why he was walking with Donald to Huey, Dewey, and Louie's school.Emilie taught there, and if he was seen lurking around there people might think he was a creep, and call the police.
"Okay,I'm going to back up the boys, and you ask Emilie out.She's in room 12."said Donald.
"How do you know this?"asked Gladstone.
"She teaches Huey, Dewey, and Louie."
The bell suddenly rang,signaling the end of school.
"Okay,get going!"said Donald,pushing Gladstone to the point of him almost falling over.
Gladstone glared at Donald before straightening himself out, and walking into the school.It felt weird being in a school again.Gladstone kept looking at the doors to make sure he got the right room.Admittedly,Gladstone knew he would because of his luck, but he wanted to sure as his luck as could be fickle at times, and he wasn't sure if him almost falling down onto the ground was a bout of unluck or not.
Finally,Gladstone found Room 12,and Emilie was still in it.Emilie seemed to be straightened up some papers meaning that she was about to leave.
"Hello,Emilie!"said Gladstone,tipping his hat off to her when she turned her head to him.
Emilie had her usual ponytail up, and light blue high heels,but was wearing a light blue dress with white sash around her middle with a bow tied in the back.
"Hi.Gladstone!"said Emilie with a smile on her face. "I didn't expect to see you here."
Gladstone suddenly entered the classroom.Expect for Emilie, and now himself,there was nobody in the room, and he wanted privacy when he asked Emilie out.
"Did you want something Gladstone?"asked Emilie,tilting her head.
"Yes."Gladstone said before taking a deep breath.
'Remember,whatever her answer is,just accept it.' Gladstone thought.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"
"Oh!"said Emilie,turning slightly pink. "Of course I will!"
This was not the answer that Gladstone was expecting.
"Sure!When are we going out?"
"How about tonight?At around six,I can take you to Duckburg Ritz Restaurant, and after that we can go to the Duckburg Dance Hall."
"How about Swann's Diner instead,and then we go to the Duckburg Dance Hall?"suggested Emilie.
"Okay,we can do that."said Gladstone with a smile.
He should have known that Emilie wouldn't want to go to such an extravagant place for a first date.


Daisy had forgiven Donald for breaking his promise to take her to Duckburg Ritz Restaurant.After all,it was understandable.It wasn't Donald's fault that he had to keep care of his nephews because their parents were gone, and it's like they said-a good man is hard to find.
"Thank you for taking me to the Duckburg Dance Hall,Donald."said Daisy with a smile on her face as she, and Donald danced together.
"No problem sweetheart!"said Donald. "Just happy that bygones are bygones!"
Daisy just kept on smiling.
'Nothing can ruin this for me.' thought Daisy.
But Daisy was wrong.Ironically it was Daisy who ruined her own happy moment with her anger,jealousy, and entitlement.
"Hey,watch it!"said Daisy when somebody bumped into her.
"Oops,so sorry!"said the person.
She had long brown hair tied up in a black ribbon, was wearing a sleeveless turquoise dress trimmed with black,complete with a black sash around the middle, and turquoise heels with black bows on them. The person she was dancing with was-
"Gladstone!"said Donald.
"Gladstone,you know them?"asked Emilie.
"Yes.This is my cousin,Donald, and his girlfriend,Daisy."said Gladstone.
"Oh,nice to meet you."said Emilie,extending her hand.
"Likewise,especially since you teach my nephews,Huey, Dewey, and Louie."said Donald.
"Well,I'm off the clock right now,so no parent/teacher conference at the moment."said Emilie with a laugh.
"Of course not."said Donald with a smile as Gladstone, and Emilie walked off to dance elsewhere.
"She seems nice."said Donald.
"Yes."said Daisy.
"Oh come on,Daisy,you know you're the only girl for me."
But Daisy didn't say anything.It wasn't Donald's interaction with Emilie that bothered her,it was the fact that Gladstone actually asked Emilie out!And she said yes!
Did Donald know what that meant?Emilie would benefit from Gladstone's luck!Emilie will get all the luxuries,travels to exotic places, and eating at expensive restaurants!
And where did that leave her?With Donald!Unlucky Donald!With his constant broken promises, and money problems!No luxuries!No exotic places!No eating at expensive restaurants!
Daisy deserved all of that!In fact,she deserved both men!Donald being the ideal family man, and Gladstone being the one who can give her the things Donald can't!Emilie didn't deserve it!
That's when it came to Daisy-
'I can simply sabotage the relationship!'thought Daisy.
After all,she knew Donald did it to her when she went out with Gladstone,so it was probably easy to do.And if Donald found out,well-he'll probably excuse her behavior like he always did.If not,then Daisy will just blame Donald.
It was a win-win.Daisy gets the stability of Donald Duck,but the luxurious lifestyle of Gladstone Gander.Nothing could go wrong.

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