Chapter 6

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Flavies Pov

(A few days later after Flavie just met Piper and her squad, they had been hanging out the last few days and got to know each other better.)

It was around 11 am when I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone. My mom was already at a business meeting and my sister went to a friend just a few minutes ago. So I had no idea who it could be, maybe a neighbour who wanted to welcome us or furniture delivery. I was just in my sweats and my hair was all over the place, Dominic fike's "superstar sh*t" was playing on my speaker.

Superstar sh*t - Dominic Fike
"These days don't end, and you lost the things that brought us closer, we're spread so thin, and that's all it takes to knock you over"

"Hang on, one second!" I shouted while running my fingers through my hair.

I unlocked the door and pushed it slightly open to observe who it was. And there was Lev, with a particularly irritated look on his face.

"Hey, can I come in?" he said quickly, slightly taking a glimpse of the pink house next door.

"Yes, of course, is something wrong?" I said letting him in and gesturing for him to sit on one of the bar chairs in the kitchen.

"Gavin came over out of nowhere, and I just snuck out so I won't have to meet him," he explained.

"Who's Gavin?" I asked while pulling out a glass from the cupboard.
"Water?" I asked while smiling to calm him down.

"Oh sorry, Piper's ex-boyfriend," he said, staring at his shoes. "And yes, please," he said looking up and meeting my quite confused look.

"So wait, Piper's ex-boyfriend just randomly showed up without anyone knowing?" I questioned him pouring water into the glass. "And do they even talk to each other anymore?"

"Yeah I know right, he knows I don't want to meet him. Even though Piper has said it to him multiple times he keeps just 'accidentally' showing up when I'm around. And it's not like Piper asks him to leave, she just lets him go inside and hang out with us. Or I mean them, I leave before I have to see him." he let out, clearly getting upset about it. It must've been overwhelming knowing your current girlfriend hanging out with her ex.

"I am so sorry. You need to talk to Piper, I mean if this is an ongoing event and it bothers you. It has to stop. I wouldn't want my boyfriend even if I trust him 100% to hang out with their ex-girlfriend. And if he knows that you don't want him there he should take responsibility and leave." I confessed looking at him to agree.

"True, that is honestly so true. I'll talk with Piper and if she can't talk to Gavin I guess I'll have to do it." he said with a sign of evil in his eyes.

"But Piper first! Then if it keeps on going you will have to talk to Gavin. Does Piper know you're here?" I asked while choosing a new playlist on my phone.

"No, it feels nice to have a place to flee now when he comes over, usually I just walk to McDonald's or something. And I hear you like Dominic Fike, he's honestly like one of my favorite artists."

"Anytime and yeah I love his music he's definitely my favourite artist well SZA is also amazing but Dominic is something special to me. Which of his songs is your favorite?" I questioned, truly interested. Music is one of my favorite interests. I love music.

"I love "vampire" and "she wants my money", they're amazing. Which ones are your favourite?" he asked me, I met his eyes with a look of "get ready for a PowerPoint"

"Well, it depends on what mood I'm in. If I'm chill it's definitely "superstar sh*t" but then there's also "politics and violence" for when I feel like screaming lyrics. Then i think "Florida" is so underrated–"

I got interrupted by the door swinging open and the door handle shoving right into the wall.

"I'm home!" Chloe shouted loudly throughout the walls.

"Chloe! {You will end up breaking the wall if you keep slamming the door!}" I yelled while sprinting to her.

"{Who's that?}" she whispered, staring blankly at the blonde boy.

"He's my friend, go say hi to him," I explained while shoving her ahead of me.

I could see Lev revealing a big smile and getting up from his seat. Chloe is definitely not shy, not one bit. She's just careful getting to know people, especially men.

"Hey, I'm Lev, I'm guessing your name is Chloe. Am I right?" he said smirking, unexpectedly my sister got comfortable real quick this time. I've never seen her warming up and getting so comfortable with particularly, a man so shortly. 5 minutes later we were in her room playing Mario Cart.

*Incoming call "Piper ❤️"*

"Lev, Piper is calling you." I Said and looked over to where he was sitting. Him and Chloe were still playing mario cart.

"Oh so now she notices I'm gone, she perhaps had so much fun with Gavin she forgot I wasn't there." he said angrily while still having his eyes glued to the game on my sister's tv.

"You don't need to answer her, I won't force you but I will suggest you to do it, what if something happened. You don't want to ignore the call and then later find out she was attacked by a bear or something." I let out handing him the phone.

"A bear, really? I doubt there are bears in California" he said giggling and glaring me in the eyes.

"Just answer you never know"

Hope you like this chapter!
Cassie <3

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