Chapter 5

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Flavie's POV

"Hello?" the blonde girl said and looked a little confused at me. Of course she would be confused. I mean she'd never seen me before.

"Hi, sorry if I interrupted or anything. I just moved in next door a few days ago and my mom forced me to say hello to our neighbours so... Here I am... Hehe... You must be the one who lives here?"

When I'm nervous I tend to speak extremely fast, without thinking about it and end up embarrassing myself. My train of thoughts got interrupted by the blonde girl speaking again.

"Oh, I actually don't live here. I'm just a friend. My name is Emily by the way, nice to meet you!" she said with a cute smile. So this was Emily? She seemed sweet.

"Let me go get my friend really quickly, hold on!" I simply nodded and then stood there awkwardly waiting for Emily to come back.

She soon did, followed by not one, but 2 other girls. Great! Thanks mom, this was a GREAT idea.

I was left standing there, feeling each and every one of them staring at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Uh, well hello. My name is Piper and I'm the one who lives here. Nice to meet you...?" she said, presumably waiting for my name.

"Oh, it's Flavie."

"That's a really pretty name! My name is Elliana." the other girl, Elliana said with a smile.

After a while Piper decided to invite me inside. Just like the outside of the house the inside looked like a unicorn vomited all over the place and they were too lazy to clean it up. They continued showing me around a little bit and I just walked after them like a duckling following its mother duck.

We settled down on the couch and Piper told me about her YouTube channel and I was left dumbfounded and a little embarrassed for not knowing I was neighbours with a famous youtuber.

"If you'd like, you could be in a video maybe? I could ask Hunter, the cameraman." Piper said.

"Uh, I'm fine actually. Thank you anyways." I said, smiling and hoping she wouldn't be disappointed that I declined. Thankfully, before she could say another thing her phone rang and she excused herself to answer it.

"I honestly thought that you were a weird fan who pretended to not know who we were in order to trick us into putting you into a video and then getting clout but I guess not." Elliana said. And Emily nodded yes, agreeing.

"I guess my appearance was suspicious. Sorry about that." I say, trying to not sound awkward.

"You wouldn't know what you were getting yourself into anyways." Emily said and Elliana's smile quickly escaped her face. I looked at them with a confused look and as they caught onto my expression, they looked at each other then back at me and leaned a little closer as if to prevent anyone from hearing.

"Hunter, the cameraman and Piper's mom are really controlling. Being a youtuber isn't as glamorous as it seems." Emily said.

"We don't get to decide anything we do and are always forced to do stupid "pranks" on each other and It's honestly getting out of hand." Elliana continued.

"I'm sorry you guys have to go through that... I know what it feels like. Well not this exact situation but being in the presence of a controlling individual is difficult. You're forced to suppress your opinions in fear of being treated badly and there's nothing you can do about it..." I said, ranting all my past trauma on them. As soon as I realised what I was saying I quickly went quiet.

Typical of me to tell people whom I just met, my entire life story. Emily patted my shoulder lightly and Elliana gave me a comforting look as they both understood me. It felt good to be in their presence for some reason.

We were quickly interrupted by Piper coming into the room again, this time along with another guy.

"Hi, my name is Hunter. I'm the cameraman for Piper's channel." he said but then interrupted himself as soon as he saw my face.

"Wait, weren't you the girl who we saw in the flower shop a few days ago?" he said again, looking back and forth between me and Piper.

"Oh? So you guys were the loud people who were-" I quickly shut my mouth when I noticed what I said. Stupid.

"It's alright, It's true. We are quite loud." Piper said and I smiled apologetically.

We continued talking a little and I told them about how I had moved from Ohio to LA and how I liked LA so far.

There was a knock on the door and Hunter went to open it while our conversation continued and after a while I heard footsteps approaching from behind the sofa we were sitting on and when I turned around I saw the black haired guy from before and another blonde guy who also seemed weirdly familiar.

The black haired guy seemed to recognise me as well, judging by the way he raised his eyebrow and pointed towards me once he saw me.

"Wait, aren't you the girl from the house next door?"

"Uh, yeah that's me." I said a little uneasily as his mouth formed an "o" shape and he nodded his head.

"Well, my name is Jentzen. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Flavie.

I said and smiled slightly at Jentzen before

"Do I know you?" the blonde male said suddenly, making everybody turn to look at both him and Flavie, whom he was talking about.

"Uh, no?" I said, not really knowing if I had ever met him before.

"Oh, sorry. I must've gotten you mixed up with someone else. My name is Lev by the way."

Lev. The chances of him being my old friend were seriously low but for some reason my heartbeat started rising as soon as he said his name. He did look similar to my old friend but I decided to ignore it and try to hide the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you too, Lev." I said and soon after we all slowly started a conversation and got to know each other better. We kept talking and talking and I completely forgot to pay attention to the time. That was until I got a call from my mom. I answered.

"{Oui, maman?}" I said in French, trying not to be loud as if to not interrupt the conversation but miserably failing as everyone's full attention was now on me.

"{When are you coming home? It's getting quite late, mon chéri.}"

"{Yes I know mom, I'll come home right away. Je t'aime, bye.}" I said and hung up.

"You speak French?" Emily asked, supposedly impressed.

"Yes, my first-language is French so I speak it with my mom."

"That's cool!" Piper said and the rest nodded.

"Thank you. I really have to go now though, it was nice getting to know you. Goodbye and have a nice evening!" I said as I waved to them and grabbing my phone that was on a counter.

Soon I arrived home and just as I was about to go upstairs to sleep my mom called out for me.

"How did it go?" mom asked.

"It went well, I'm really tired though so I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, honey."

I walked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash up before curling up in my bed, not before playing a few games on my Nintendo though. I soon fell into a comfortable slumber.

I apologize for the long chapters, I didn't proofread this so please tell me if I made any mistakes and I'll correct them.

Cassidie couldn't write more chapters, as she had to go to sleep early but we'll hopefully do that tomorrow or when we have time.

Au revior~


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