The Restless Night

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After the movie you and Eddie went up to bed. He held you close to him, which wasn't unusual but this time he squeezed you anytime he woke up, almost like he was making sure you were still there. You didn't mind though, infact most of the night those little squeezes woke you up from your nightmares. They always ended the same....

Vecna: join me and you can save them, it doesn't have to end like this

Y/n: I won't join you, I've already said no, why am I so important to you?

Vecna: you have something I want, you're special 5. More special than 11, you have no idea what you're capable of.

Y/n: well I've got some idea

You threw Vecna across the area .

Vecna: you'll pay for that

Suddenly you noticed Eddie in the corner of your eye. He called out to you.

Eddie: y/n!! darling??

Vecna: oh look who has joined us

Y/n: don't you fucking touch him

You held your hand out and felt a sudden surge of power course through your veins.
All of the sudden Vecna was being held up by you, but only for a second before he broke loose from your hold and held you up instead.

Eddie: Y/N!!!

Y/n: Eddie! Run, please, run!

Vecna: oh he's not going anywhere.

Suddenly Eddie was taken to the ground by bats, a whole storm of them.


Vecna held your head up to watch him, you screamed as loud as you could but the situation never changed. Then you woke up.

Eddie: you ok love? You were talking in your sleep and squirming a bit.

Y/n: yeah, I I'm fine, just another nightmare

Eddie: I've been having them too, do you wanna talk about it? I can go first.

Eddie's nightmare
Vecna: y/n, you could save them all if you just joined me.

Y/n: no!

Vecna: you wanna be stubborn? fine, I was going to be nice but I think I'll go down the line of your friends and have you kill them one by one.


Vecna lifted her up suddenly and her body was under control, with her brain still conscious enough to see everything. He was playing with her emotions, trying to break her down mentally. She screamed and tried fighting him but it was no use. She was soon completely under his control.

Y/n: no matter what happens just know I love you all, and I'm so sorry I dragged you all into this.

Tears filled her eyes and she looked at me and was only able you mouth the words "I love you" before being completely taken over

Then I woke up

*Your Pov*
Eddie: he's just playing with our minds you know that right?

Y/n: I know, I just can't wait for all of this to be over.

Eddie: me too... I can't loose you, I've already almost lost you twice and I'm not going to let it happen a third time.

Y/n: neither of those were your fault and you know it, and you won't loose me. We're going to meet the Byers, develop a plan, and get this phsyco, evil, son of a bitch out of our heads so we can live happy together forever.

Eddie: yeah ok, that all good in theory but promise me something?

Y/n: you know I can't promise you anything with this Eddie.

Eddie: no, please just promise me that you'll never give in, that even if I can't save you, you run and  and get your self out and...

Y/n: Eddie...
You interupted his blubbering and he looked at you with fear and sadness behind his eyes.

Y/n: we're going to be fine, I'm going to learn how to enhance my powers and it's all going to be fine. Ok? And if one of us doesn't make it....
You regretting saying it when you saw the look on his face.

Eddie: No, no I won't loose, I can't loose you y/n
He kissed you and continued

Eddie: I can't loose these fingers
He kissed your fingers

Eddie: I can't loose this forehead
He kissed your forehead

Eddie: I can't loose your mind, your amazingly smart and kind mind
He kissed your lips again.

Eddie: and your heart, your beautifully amazingly good heart
He kissed your chest

Eddie: I can't loose you, I can't, you're all I have.
You pulled him down and kissed him deeply, and broke away after a solid minute.

Y/n: you won't, and I'm not loosing you either

Eddie had tears in his eyes as he pulled you close to him and quietly sobbed into your shoulder. You were crying too, tears started streaming down your face.

Y/n: this is what he wants yk?

Eddie looked at you confused, tears stained his face which made your heart melt. The love he felt for you was truly unconditional.

Y/n: Vecna, he wants us to loose hope...

Eddie: I'm not losing hope y/n, I'm just thinking of the possibilities.

Y/n: I know, but could we focus on the possibilities of us having a long lovely future together instead?

Eddie: yeah, I'd like that.

You turned your head to kiss him once more before he pulled your waist closer to him and rested his chin on your shoulder again.

Eddie: I love you so much darling.
He grabbed your hand, letting go of your waist with one hand. Your fingers intertwined making you laugh a bit.

Y/n: Eddie Munson, I never knew I could love someone as much I love you.

He laughed a bit making you smile. He kissed your neck sweetly and you could feel his smile in the kiss.

Eddie: good night love

Y/n: good night

I know it's short I'm sorry, I just have no free time anymore 😫. I'll try to post another chapter later today but until then stay tuned and dont forget to vote! ❤️

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