Chapter 9 - We're on Time's Side

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WARNINGS: drinking, language, broken nose

Warriors had warned them about his Hyrule.

He'd mentioned the scent of burning that clung to the air, even after the fires had long been extinguished. How the scarring of the land was unmatched, even in comparison to Wild's ruined world. 

But even so, nothing could have prepared Time for seeing the world in person. 

Despite having been travelling as a group for a while, none of them had ever step foot into the Hero of Warriors' time period. Time had thought it unusual, considering the frequent stops they made in each of the others' homelands, but had decided to leave it in the hands of the Goddess. No point in rising above his station - they were all just the brawn of Hylia's army, after all. 

"Alright, men." Warriors' hands were placed firmly on his hips, a fierce frown casting a shadow over his face. "This is my Hyrule, and these are my rules." He turned to face them. Time immediately noticed the shift in attitude. The playful and chilled Warriors was gone, in his place, well, as his namesake claimed him: a warrior stood. Time felt humbled, for some odd reason. "Rule number one, you listen to and heed what I say. If I say not to do something, you don't do it." Warriors' gaze lingered long enough of Wild to earn him a glare. "Number two, do not engage in a fight of any kind outside of duty. We are here to fight monsters, not civilians. And rule number three." He faltered just long enough for Time to raise an eyebrow. "Rule number three. Remember who you are. You are Hylia's Chosen Heroes, bearers of the Triforce of Courage, and heroes of Hyrule. So, you're all going to act like it."

"Ha. Sounds like a threat." Legend snarked. Warriors caught his eye.

"I'm serious."

Legend didn't say anything to that.

The path towards Castletown was short, but arduous. Clumps of rocks and broken weapons littered the road, chunks of the gravel missing in some areas. Warriors passed through unfazed by the damage. Whether he was intentionally ignoring it, or simply didn't care enough to notice, Time couldn't tell. 

The outer walls of Castletown soon came into view. The main gate was the only way into town, and the path was heaving with merchants and travellers alike. Time supposed they would have fit in, a band of young men off to see the wonders of the world, but laden with weapons of all kinds doesn't exactly give off 'friendly passer-by' vibes.

People stared as they passed, some greeting Warriors and others acknowledging him with a curt nod of their head. It was expected that Warriors would be known throughout town, but the sombre air they seemed to carry about them didn't fit with the otherwise cheery atmosphere of the farmers' market. They were heroes. Bringers of hope and peace, yet the citizens regarded them with caution. 

Time's frown deepened. 

"Hang on." Warriors held his hand up, ushering them to the side of the road. "Alright. We're coming up to the barracks. This is where my rules come into play. Listen. No fighting. And, lastly, remember who you are."

"Is there something we should know?" Twilight narrowed his eyes, his unease resulting in a concerned looking Wild. The last time Wild was worried, well, let's just say everyone in the group slept with one eye open that night.

Warriors sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "It's just- The army. They're good men, trained soldiers and strong fighters, but at the end of the day they're just boys who were thrown into a war too young. Some of them can be... a lot to handle. Just be wary." He chewed his lips for a moment, his eyes flitting between the group and the looming shadow of the castle just ahead. "Keep Legend, Wind, and Four in the middle."

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