Chapter Ten: Clueless

Start from the beginning

I've never shared such an intimate moment with anyone. The kissing scenes I witnessed on shows or movies made it seem easy, flawless even. But my mind spins like a wheel, landing on an array of different emotions one by one: worry that he knows I have no idea what I'm doing, eager to check a first off my list, and safety in the arms of someone who cares for me.

I don't know how I'm doing, but I take Logan upping the intensity as a positive sign. He softly bites my lower lip and presses further into me, our bodies so close I'm sure he can feel my quickening heartbeat.

His hands on my waist, mine running through his sleek locks as I silently wish the pleasant heat swirling in my stomach and stretching throughout my body could last forever. 

That is, until I realize I'm not breathing...

I push against his shoulders and pull back with a sharp inhale. Both are chests rise and fall, mine much quicker than his. "I can't tell if your face is that red from nerves or lack of oxygen," Logan says cheekily.

"Little bit of both," I reply breathless. "You got a little something right here." I wipe a smudge of lip gloss off the corner of his lips. The action small yet gentle, just like he is with me.

Movement and shuffling pull our gazes to the side, removing our focus from one another and putting it on the other movie goers packing their belongings.

We pull apart with sheepish expressions. We kissed our way through the end. The credits begin to roll, a sign to call it a night.

It doesn't take us long to clean up our spot and head back to the car. Logan holding the cooler and me holding the folded blanket. We don't hold hands, but I don't gravitate more than an inch or two away from him as he navigates our way through the parking lot.

I feel like I'm floating. Lips still tingly and plump from the kiss he and I shared. I want this more often, nights like these. But not just with Logan. With all of my friends.

"Do you think you and Ashton will be able to patch things up?"

Logan suddenly freezes. I don't stop fast enough and bump into his back. I smile at the silly mishap, but it falls as soon as he turns around.

"Did you have to bring him up?" he asks, frowning.

"Uh," I start warily. "I didn't know I couldn't bring him up."

"Obviously. The guy just punched me less than three hours ago. Hearing his name isn't gonna make me too happy." He walks off without checking to see if I'm following. When he doesn't stop, I jog to catch up.

"I'm sorry," I say, breathless. I'm taking fast long strides in order to match his pace side by side. "I didn't mean to upset you. I was just thinking about how cool it'd be for everyone to hang together at times. But I'm a little clueless when it comes to people's feelings about one another. Clueless...ha!" Logan smiles at my attempt to ease the tension, but it's tight. 

"Carmen and Trevor argue twice every hour or so. I don't want to be worried about you and Ashton knocking each other out in the midst of all that, you know?" He's still silent when we reach his car. We toss the items in the backseat and get in. "Maybe I can set up a time for you to talk it out with Ashton-" 

"Stop saying his name!" Logan raises his voice, the sound making me jump as it ricochets off the interior of the small space until it lands us in a painful silence that seems to stretch on for longer than the three seconds it actually is. "I mean, take a hint, Paige. I don't like him and I never will. Play therapist for someone else. Another fact of dating: we don't have to share the same friends."

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