Chapter 5 Colors

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You ended up spending the rest of the day together eating and laughing and talking. You learned so much about him in the little time you had.
He was an only child, he grew up in DaeGu, he used to dream about being a designer in New York, he was raised by his grandmother.
He had such a different personality when he talked about his family. He seemed happy, but there was that taste of bitterness in those words. Something was off, but you didn't ask feeling it would be too much. You didn't want to pry open where you didn't belong.
"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow," Key said as he stood at the door way watching you pull out my keys.
"Ah, tomorrow I have a wedding to attend... Kinda a big deal..." you confessed looking down after opening the door.
"Really? I'm sorry I didn't... I didn't know about that. This was a mistake sorry about that." Key said looking away from you.
"Ah, if you want you can come!" You said without thinking.
'Of course!' you thought.
'He could help me and be like my personal assistant!' you mentally giggled at the thought of him working for you.
"Isn't that a little inappropriate?" Key asked sounding confused.
"How is that even... Oh cuz you weren't invited? That's okay I'll explain everything to the bride I'm sure she'll be okay with it," you nudged him and winked as you smiled at him.
Key let out an awkward and nervous chuckle.
"I don't think I should go..." Key looked down at the floor
"Oh okay you don't have to if you don't want to... I won't force you to..." awkward silence filled the area around you both
"Well then see you," you gave him a small smile and walked into your house.
Key didn't say a word and just kind of coldly walked his way out of the complex.
'Well then I guess that's his limit...' you tried brushing off what had happened, but something just felt off.
After taking a quick shower you decided to message him.
"What do I even say?" you contemplated sitting in your robe staring at you phone.
You gave a groan and picked up your phone from your bed.
To: Kibum
11:56 pm
'Hey you sure you don't want to come along? It'll be fun.. It starts at 3 tomorrow at Gwanghwamun just in case...'
While waiting for his reply you got dressed and brushed your hair. Time felt like it was going so slow because of how impatient you were becoming.
Finally your phone rang. You ran from your bathroom and into your room picking up the phone from your bed.
From: Kibum
12:02 am
'Nah, I'm busy.'
You have a slight 'hmph' as you plopped down on your bed.
"Tsss.." you let out mentally laughing at yourself for what you just did. You placed your arm over your face.
You felt embarrassed about getting so worked up over a message from some random guy you didn't even know that well.
"Go to sleep y/n" you spoke to yourself.
You pulled the covers up to your chin still a little embarrassed and dozed off.
"K-Key I'm a little embarrassed...." you covered you face and looked away.
Key who was on top of you leaned down and kissed the skin over your collarbone. You let out a silent breath. Your body shivered slightly.
Key's hand began to travel down the side of your body until he reached the button of your jeans. His mouth moved from your collarbone to your jaw leaving a tail of wet kisses. You felt the button of your jeans become undone and were pulled down asking with your underwear and you heard the jingle if his belt. His lips were about to touch yours when the sound of your alarm went off.
You groaned and your eyes cracked open.
'What kind of dream was that ugh..' you sat up and turned off the alarm.
You rubbed your eyes and allowed them to het used to the bright sunlight. Giving a sigh you got off and stretched before grabbing your towel and headed in for a shower.
It was the day of the wedding you had planned. The groom was a total jerk, but he did happen to be a close friend of yours. You knew eachother since high school and you were genuinely happy to be of some help to him and his soon to be wife. A little jealous as you got over the fact that you both almost dated during school and you still had some feelings left for him. You were excited yet dreading the idea of seeing him stand at the alter and kiss someone who wasn't you.
It all started today at 3pm but since you were the wedding planner you had to be there at 10am and help with the preperations.
You arrived right on time and everything you expected happened. There was some material on the wedding dress that was loose, some of the flowers were withering already, the guest sign in book was the wrong shade of pink and lastly the priest was going to be running late. You worked many years and you always knew what would be wrong on the big day, so you brought extra sewing tools, extra flowers, a new guest sign in book, and you booked another priest for the wedding and cancelled the one from before.
"Thank you so much y/n. What would we do without you?" you felt a hand hold onto your shoulder.
Turning you saw him. He was suited up and smiling his goofy smile like always.
"No problem Minho," you smiled back at him.
His watch beeped as you both just looked in eachothers eyes breaking the last moment you would have with him.
"Well it's time!" he kissed your cheek as he hugged you and then patted ypur head before leaving.
You sighed quietly
'Goodbye Minho...' putting on a happy face again and entered the chapel.
The ceremony was quick and sweet everything went smoothly. The girl was beautiful and you knew that she was the one for him.
The reception was held right next door in a fabulous building that would have elegant music playing and very delicious food to be prepared. Basically things you knew Key would have enjoyed.
As you stood there watching the whole thing you saw a man with now brown hair walk in looking confused. That is until he saw you. You noticed his face right as hia eyes met yours. Key looked somewhat shocked as he quickly walked over to you.
"I thought you wouldn't come!" you giggled.
"Wha- I thought you..." Key looked around nervously and hid a hand behind his back.
"I what?" you asked him a little confused.
Key looked frustrated and grabbed your wrist tightly taking you to the back of the place. He pushed you against the wall.
"What's wrong?" you asked worried.
"I ugh why did you-" Key slammed his hands against the walls next to your head.
"I thought you were getting married!" Key licked his lips.


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