Chapter 3 Inches

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The next day once the sun rose it awoke you. Your eyes squinted at the bright light. You sat up scratching your head and yawning. You walked to the kitchen and preapred yourself some ramen that you bought last night. As you took the first bite you raised an eyebrow.
'I thought they cut the power off last night?'
You sat up and walked around the apartment.
"It's clean?" you whispered to yourself.
'Wait how did I even end up in my bed?!'
You kept walking around noticing how clean everything suddenly was.
Everything you had usually left out was washed, neatly folded and carefully placed into drawers. All your shoes were in your closet organized by color. Then again you only had three pairs.
Even though it was really nice for it to be all clean you were still wondering what happened and who did this. You waslked around the apartment trying to see if the person was still there, but there was no sign of anyone there.
You walked into the kitchen expecting to be disappointed like usual due to the lack if food you always had. This time opening the refrigerator it was packed with fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, everything. You got confused then opened the cupboards and they were also filled with grocery items. On the inside of one of the cupboard doors was a little pink sticky note with some type of message written on it.
'Man your home was messy as hell. Well it's all better now though thanks to me of course. You better come by the store to thank me later.
P.S. Cute underwear'
You blushed quickly and scoffed at the note. Crumbling it you prepared a breakfast meal and sat down to eat. As you ate though you couldn't stop thinking about what Key had done for you or why he would even do this for you. You didn't even know him that long. So why was he being so close already?
You let out a sigh after thinking about this too much.
'What do I even do to thank him?' you began to think.
It had been a while since you had to even do such a thing that it actually began to feel embarrassing.
"Agh, whatever I'll just buy some cake and being it over then leave,"
You quickly hopped into the shower and started to get ready for your visit to that annoying dress shop.


You stood at the front of the store holding a box containing the cake you just bought. It was late night and you came last minute. Your nerves were acting up and you felt that maybe this want such a good idea. Awkward memories played in your head.
'Maaaaaybe I should just go back..' you thought turning around.
Just as so, of course something had to happen, a man on his phone bumped into you hard making drop the box. He then looked at you as if you were to blame, but he just turned around and kept walking.
"That's just fantastic!" you sighed.
"Yeah it's kinda your fault," you heard it.
His voice. It even had that annoyingly diva tone as well.
You turned around slowly to see Key standing there leaning against the door frame with a smirk painted on his face.
"So you really did come. I wasn't actually thinking you'd come and I'd have to go fight someone again for you," he chucked lightly.
"Oh so then I can leave and you can just go fight someone again," you turned around to walk away.
"Okay then I won't give you the dress." Key said in a song tone.
You remembered the deal you only made on a whim because of how embarrassing it was getting. You hated making deals with people since once you said you'd do it you wouldn't back out of it. You rolled your eyes and turned around.
The doors were already closed and Key was helping another customer with her clothes at the desk. You rolled your eyes at the way he leaned on the desk as he talked to the girl. He maintained eye contact with her during the whole story she seemed to be telling him.
'He's just acting interested' you thought to your self as you walked inside.
"Wow that's a hell of a story. Maybe you could tell me more tomorrow night at your house," Key winked at the girl and rested his hand on hers that was on the desk. The girl let out a soft gasp at his words and she giggled.
"Yeah, that's- that sounds like a good idea. Hopefully we can do more than just tell stories," the girl winked back at him.
"Excuse me," you cleared your throat.
"Well thanks for stopping by. See yiu next time." Key handed her the bagged items.
"Well wait what about tonight?"
"Olivia right? I'll call you," Key smirked waving at her.
"It's Sandara and you don't even have my number," the girl finished saying before being dragged out by her impatient friend.
"So I'm not the only girl you flirt with here." you crossed your arms.
"Nope. Just one of many,"
"I knew you were a playboy," you scoffed and sat down on one of the chairs.
Key was locking the door for closing time.
"No, a playboy really acts on when he flirts with all those girls. I've only acted with you." he turned and gave a smile.
"W-well, I don't care anyways. We aren't dating so whatever. I'm just here to work for the dress. Now what do I clean.
"Clean? You thought you were gonna get away with cleaning? No honey, when I said pay with your body, I really meant with your body."
"W-what do you mean?" you gulped hard.
Key's smile turned darker and gave a different feel to the situation. He began to move closer mocing both of you into a dressing room. Your back hit the mirror and Key's hand took hold of your small chin.
"You're gonna do just well. You're definitely my taste." he let one of his sharp canine teeth show through his smirk.


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