Chapter 1 Pink

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It was your first day as a wedding planner. This was it. The dream of your life! Ever since you were young and witnessed family members getting married, you knew that you wanted to be the one who made it all happen. You knew it wasn't an easy job. You had to get a catering, help with dress shopping, make the invitations, and hire the photographer, but you loved the challenges this job vame with. The one thing you didn't like was the question at the end of every wedding.
"So when are you getting married?"
"Your getting older you should marry soon!"
"Is there a man you have in mind when preparing these weddings?"

And your answer was always the same.

"I don't have time for relationships."

Okay you admit that you were a little jealous of all the pretty dresses, fun, and love that you saw over and over, but you didn't ever feel like it would fit in your schedule.

'There is no time to fool around. Work is priority!'

Due to the bad snow weather you were experiencing the wedding got cancelled and the next wedding wasn't until two weeks which gave you plenty of time to rest and get yourself back together.

You had decided to stop by a near by coffee shop and stopped for your regular large vanilla latte. Today you decided to talk a stroll put while you sipped your coffee. Walking pass a clothing store that had just opened a week ago you were interested to see what kind of clothes they sold.

Walking in you heard the chim of a bell that would notify the employee that a customer had arrived.

"I'll be there with you in a second!" someone from the back called.

You walked around the store and looked at the varies colors and styles of shirts, pants, shoes, skirts, and jewelry. Footsteps approached you from behind.

"Hello ma'am and welcome to The Pink Dress shop. My name is Kibum, but everyone calls me Key. Is there a style in particular you were going for?" a man with chocolate brown hair and cat like eyes spoke with perfectly bow shaped pink wet lips. He had an accent in which you could tell he wasn't from here and probably another city of Korea. You smiled at him before responding.

"Hello, Key my name is y/n. I just came to check out the store if that's alright."

"Of course ma'am let me know if you like anything and we will fit it for you right away." He smiled and began to leave.

"Ah, could you maybe help me pick something that would look nice one me?" you asked shyly.

"Of course ma'am." Key smiled and walked you over to a racket full of vibrant colored dresses.

"Try this one." He said handing you a pearl pink colored dress.

You nodded and went into the dressing room and saw the big mirrior in front of you. Taking a deep breath you got dressed. You hadn't worn a dress since you were 17 years old. It's been six years since then. You had stopped wearing them and began to just wear jeans and button up shirts since you gave up on finding any guy to impress.

You slid on the dress, but the zipper got stuck.

"Ah, shit." you said under your breath.

"Everything okay ma'am?" Key opened the door.

You turned quickly holding the dress up to your chest so it wouldn't slide.

"Ah, the zipper it- it's stuck," you pushed your hair behind your earn

Key smirked and walked over then turned you by your shoulders. His hands were soft and warm as they touched your smooth skin. You swallowed hard as he touched you.

"Let me help," Key whispered into your ear, his minty breath filling your lungs and giving you butterflies in your stomach.

His hand touched your back and slowly moved back to the dress zipping it up slowly.

"Okay there you go!" Key said in his normal tone. He smiled and motioned to the mirrior.

Looking at yourself you gasped. It's been so long since you've seen yourself like this.

"Now if you took your hair out of that messy bun you'd look even more gorgeous." Key said he placed a hand on your waist gently.

You blushed when he did that and suddenly you felt very shy.

"Ah, well thank you for this I'll buy it. Now excuse me I need to get dressed." you said pushing him away.

Key smirked at you then stopped you by grabbing your wrists and making you look at him directly in his fierce eyes.

"Don't you need me to," his face came closer to you his lips right atbyour cheeks.

"Unzip this for you?" he finished off with a soft seductive whisper.

Your legs felt week, but you quickly got out of it.

"Ah, no I think I can do it thank you!" you said pulling away from him.

Key stood upright and gave a sweet smile.

"Okay let me know if you need anything ma'am," he said in his professional employee tone again and then walked out closing the door behind him.

'What the heck?!' you thought with a hand on your forehead then began to get dressed.


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