Chapter 2 Measurements

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You stood in front of the cash register ready to pay for the dress. You kept eyeing him as he rung up your purchase.
"Okay that'll be 995,566 won please," he smiled at you.
Your eyes grew and you swallowed hard.
"W-what, excuse me?!" you stuttered shocked at the price.
"Oh? Too much?" Key asked you walking around the counter to you.
"Uhh yeah kind of!" you scoffed.
'He's obviously rich,' you thought.
"Hmm.. Oh that's why the price is wrong. I didn't scan the new price sticker. Sorry about that."
He grabbed the dress tag and scanned it again.
"100,000 won actually," he smiled again.
"Yeah I'm sorry I can't take this. I only make 10 thousand each month and I have rent and electricity to pay. Sorry, but I won't buy it." you put the dress on the counter.
"W-well I could make an exception to you. If you'd like this dress can be paid in parts." Key ran in front of you stopping you from leaving the store.
"Parts? No no that won't be necessary thank you, but I really don't even need it. And besides I would feel horrible for just wasting your time if I never paid you back," you tried to push your way through.
"How about if it's free then." Key said from behind you.
"No no, I can't do that I would just not feel right," you explained and began to leave the store.
Key stopped you once again and pushed you back, your back hitting the counter. He pressed himself on you as his eyes looked into yours.
"How about if I asked you to work for me. If you can't pay with money how about you pay with your body?" Key licked his pink plump lips.
Your breath became staggered and short making you nervous and looking away from his eyes quickly.
Key moved his face to meet your gaze.
"Here's my number," Key grabbed his business card from the desk and placed it in your hand.
"Come on.." you said pushing him a bit and looking away.
Key stood there not moving at all just looking into your eyes. It was awkward enough and you saw people starting to walk towards the store which got you embarrassed just thinking about if they saw you in the situation.
"O-okay okay fine," you said finally after a while.
Key smirked and got off.
"What do I have to do?" you sighed as you patted down the wrinkles in your shirt.
"Just come here tonight at 5 and we shall see." he winked at you after looking at you up and down.
You gulped and quickly left the store. Outside it felt less pressured and you felt as though you could finally breathe clearly again.
'This guy... As if I'm coming back!' you scoffed and rolled your eyes before walking to the bus station.


It was around 4:30 and your cell began to ring waking you up from your nap you had been taking since you got home.
"H-hello?" you said wiping the drool off your cheeks.
"Hey honey! I wanted to tell you that we having your favorite stew for dinner and was wondering if you would like to come over for so-"
"Mom, Mom! Sorry but I'm busy with all these weddings.. Maybe another time. Sorry," you cut your mother off.
"O-oh ... Always busy I see.. That's fine. Sure another time then. Bye honey. Love you," your mom spoke softly making the disappointment obvious.
"Yeah yeah okay, bye," you hung up before she spoke again.
You set your phone down and stretched your arms up and yawned.
Looking at the time you saw it would be close to dinner time.
'Well ramen sounds good..' you smiled at your thoughts.
Getting up you got into your sweats and headed out the door to walk to the gas station near by. It was quite dark and lonely outside, but you didn't really mind the eerie feeling. It felt relaxing.
Walking in the gas station you were by yourself with the male cashier and another man looking at some alcohol in one of the refrigerators. You walked straight to the ramen section and picked out four flavors to last you until maybe tomorrow night. Next you headed for the drinks and uou bought a big bottle of soda to go with your meal. As you picked out the soda you could feel someone watching you, but you decided to ignore it due to the fact that there were indeed other people in the store with you.
"800 won," the cashier spoke.
You handed him the money and headed out. The creepy being watched feeling was still lingering around you.
You walked the dark path back to the apartment complex. The way there felt longer and you still felt watched, but no matter how many times uou looked back no one was following you. You decided to walk faster to get the feeling off.
Suddenly, a hand was on your shoulder and you felt a cold piece of metal against your throat.
"Give me the purse," a scary deepy voice spoke from behind you.
"Now!" the grip was stronger and the metal object pressed on your neck harder.
Pain struck a little. Your neck stung from the cut now.
You remember putting that guy's number in your phone so you quickly and secretly dialed his number as you handed him your bag. It didn't even dial twice yet before the man grabbed your phone and threw it across the street making it land hard and shatter.
"Thought you'd be sneaky huh well just you wa-" the man was cut off by a blow to the jaw by a very familiar fist.
"Key?!" you spoke seeing his what had seemed feminine arm pick up the man by the collar and punch him again harder this time.
The man had been holding Key's arm so they both fell over. The man stood up quickly and began to kick Key in the stomach, but Key held onto his leg and pulled him down. When the man was on the floor Key punched him in the jaw again before standing up and began to kick is stomach.
You then pulled Key away afraid he'd get out of control.
"Are you okay?" Key asked worried his forehead sweaty making his faded pink hair stick to the skin.
You nodded. As you were about to speak Key stopped you by smacking the back of your head hard.
"Stupid, I told you to come to the store, but you didn't and ended up getting hurt. Imagine what would have happened if I hadn't come to look for you! Let's go clean you up," Key held your hadn and you both began walking to your apartment.
Upon arriving to your apartment you both sat down on the couch as he finsihed cleaning the wound on your neck and placed a pink bandaid over it.
"Thank you.." you spike quietly.
"Welcome.. Well there you go.. I'll be going then." Key got up to leave, but was stopped by your hand holding his arm back.
"Please stay a while longer... Honestly I'm still a little scared.. Plus! You're all hurt let me atleast clean your wounds in return.
Key didn't answer, but you both ended in the bathroom with you cleaning the wounds on his face.
"Uhm, okay now your back. Please turn around.."
Key obliged and removed his balck button up shirt showing his soft chest. You immediately looked at him seeing his little hint of abs forming. Key laughed softly seeing you stare so much. Noticing him watching you felt the blood rush to your face and you looked away. Key then turned and let you clean the deep slits. He hissed slightly from the pain. You stopped a while to let him take it in and waited until it was fine to proceed again.
After finishing you were putting things away. As you turned to leave the bathroom a hand held yours. Turning you saw Key looking down to you his shirt on, but still unbuttoned. He moved closer to you, his other hand cupping your cheek softly.
"W-what-what are you doing," you stuttered nervously.
Key licked his lips slowly and began to lean down closer to your face. His forehead touched yours. Your breath began to quicken like your heartbeat. Just as Key leaned in and his lips almost touched yours the power went out.
Key let out a light laugh and grabbed his o phone to use as a light. You could see his smile as he spoke.
"Well I'll be leaving first then," he then left the bathroom and exited the apartment.
You sat on the floor in darkness letting your heart continue to flutter as you still thought about what had just happened. You then realized how you didn't pay the landlord this month.
'Great, they cut off the power,'


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