One of the Strigoi glared at her as his burned skin started to heal, she smirked at him triumphantly.

"Its Ultra Violet light bulbs," the other Strigoi pointed out.

The other growled.

Back in the living room, Amaria barely could keep her balance as she stared her opponents down. She was weak since she hadn't fed in awhile and that made her healing slow as well, her strength was also diminished.

Worst time not to have fed.

"I want her intact," Piadonè stated as he crossed his arms over his massive, muscular frame.

The Strigoi around him reacted quickly and attacked her, she quickly evaded their swift movements before blitzing toward the light switch. She turned the living room light on and smirked when she saw the vampires react in agony when the light hit their faces, Piadonè grunted in agony before backing away into the darkness of the hallway.

This distraction gave her time to approach the burning vampires and kill them one by one, she used the silver knife and decapitated all of them. Their bodies boiled and sizzled underneath the Ultra Violet light, she saw Piadonè from the shadows and saw the glowing red in his eyes and she allowed her eyes glow in return.

"1516, 1786, 1806 and 1910," Piadonè said calmly, "Do you know what those dates tell you, Amaria?"

"All the times you suffered from brain damage," Amaria growled.

"It was all the times I nearly beat you half to death. I could have easily killed you, but no I want you to live and entertain me. It's been a long time since I've had a worthy opponent like you," he said.

"Fuck you!" she said calmly.

Piadonè grabbed a coat rack and started to smash the light bulbs in the living room until darkness shrouded them, he blitzed in for a hit but she blocked him and hit him in the ribs twice before she felt herself get thrown through a wall.

"You are weak. You haven't fed, have you?" he said in complete disappointment, "I want a stronger you to fight me, this will not do. Alas, I'll just take the boy and leave then".

Amaria rose from the ground and zoomed toward him before smashing him through a wall, they collapsed into the kitchen and Amaria pulled out her knife and was about to stab him but he quickly gripped her hands and held it at bay.

"Face it, Amaria. You are not strong enough yet," He cackled in amusement.

She gave backhanded him across the jaw and his head hit the floor and left a crack in it, she quickly got up and ran up the stairs to find the two children. She saw the two Strigoi at the one end and she approached them silently.

"You think you're smart, eh?" One of them said.

Then he proceeded to destroy the light bulbs while getting burned in the process, Amaria used that chance to stab the other vampire from behind before taking his head off. The other vampire noticed her but it was too late, she threw the knife at his heart and it hit its mark.

"You bitch! I'm already dead. This heart ain't beating no longer!" he cried in triumph.

"That was the point," she smirked at him.

Then his skin started to smoke and his skin started to form lesions, he grunted and leaned against the wall and felt the heat getting unbearable. He screamed in agony as his body started to disintegrate, Amaria took the knife back as she watched him die his second death.

"Come on, you two! Let's go," she called the kids.

They went downstairs and she quickly ushered them toward the door, but then she felt someone grab her hair from behind. She let the kids go and felt herself get dragged back.

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