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"i think you got 'em nance..." i chuckled awkwardly.

we were in nancy's garage looking for weapons and whatnot. she kept swinging the bat around, which scared me a little. i stood there watching her swing in the air, before steve walked up. i looked at him and gave a slight smile to which he waved. i walked towards the back of the car, watching him walk behind nancy.

fucking idiot, who walks behind someone swinging a bat?

nancy yelped in surprise after steve put a hand out and yelled, "whoa, whoa!"

i shook my head, smiling, and walked out of the garage.


nancy and i walked through the woods, hearing gun shots grow closer. i had my black bag on my shoulder, and a bat in hand, thankful nancy had a spare.

"you're supposed to hit the cans, right?" i smiled as we walked up to jonathan.

he smiled, "no, actually, you see those spaces in between the cans? i'm aiming for those."

i rolled my eyes and shook my head, "well then you're doing great." watching jonathan attempt to shoot the cans was pretty... i won't even say it. he was bad at it, yeah. but him being sarcastic, was hot.

"you ever shot a gun before?" he asked looking between me and nancy. i nodded my head. one time back in illinois with my uncle, he taught me how. i was visiting him with my parents. and if i do say so myself, i'm pretty damn good at it.

nancy scoffs, "have you met my parents?"

jonathan chuckles. "yeah, i haven't shot one since i was ten." he started to empty the bullets out of the gun. "my dad took me hunting on my birthday. he made me kill a rabbit." i walked to the left side of jonathan, taking a look around the place we were at.

"a rabbit?" nancy asked, sounding equally weirded out as i was currently thinking.

"yeah. i guess he thought it would make me into more of a man or something."
he pulled out the box of bullets from his pocket, and began reloading the gun.

"i cried for a week."

"jesus." nancy said looking ahead. "what? i'm a fan of thumper." jonathan said looking over at her.

she chuckled and looked over at him, "i meant your dad."

"yeah. i guess he and my mother loved each other at some point, but... i wasn't around for that part."

i furrowed my brows, looking down. why is he telling her all that? they've barely even talked to each other, and he's telling her his life story?

don't be jealous.

"are we done chitchatting, or can we get started?" i said flatly, hoping that didn't sound rude. even if it did, at least they would get the hint. i stuck my hand out to jonathan.

"um, yeah." he put the gun in my hand.

he leaned over to me, "just point and shoot."

i debated on saying anything before i got started. but i felt the need to get it off my chest.

"my parents are only together for my mom's money. but she's never here anyway." i said raising the gun in front of me. "it's hard to tell if they even love each other."

"screw that." jonathan said looking over at me.

"yeah..." i squinted my left eye shut, focusing on the beer can.

"screw that."

i pulled the trigger sending the bullet flying, which hit the can. i was surprised i hit it, after it being so long since i last shot a gun. jonathan and i chuckled softly and looked at each other. i handed the gun to nancy, who with no hesitation took it.

one day| jonathan byers x reader B1Where stories live. Discover now