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jonathan informed me while he was driving, that we were driving to his dad's. he said he wanted to look for will there, which i agreed, there's no harm in looking. i laid my head against the window watching the trees go by and tapped my fingers on my thigh. every so often, i would glance over and see jonathan focused on the road, i assumed deep in thought. i smiled to myselft hinking it was cute.

i wondered why he let me come with him. this is something rather private, i know. and he didn't even hesitate.

when jonathan turned down an alley way i sat at up, starting to look around. i knew we were here. it wasn't the cleanest place ever, but not trashiest either. of course, i don't judge, a home is a home.

jonathan's pov

when i turned down the alley way, i saw y/n sit up and start looking around. she did look really cute, looking all focused. i tried my best not to, but a smile tugged on my lips and i let out a small chuckle. i hope she didn't hear that.

"what's funny, mr.byers?" she said cocking her head playfully. shit.

"nothing, just the way you look focused. it's cute." i said glancing over at her. her e/c eyes look so pretty even when it's gloomy outside. that would be a good picture.

"that's funny, cause i was thinking the same thing." she says smiling, leaning back in the seat.

she thinks i'm cute? or thinks i'm focused? both?

"jonathan! isn't that your dads house?" y/n asks, pointing up ahead.

"oh, shit. sorry." i pull over and park the car, before leaning back in my seat.

"what's wrong?" she chuckles, leaning out of her seat towards me.

y/n's pov

"you can tell me anything, y'know?" as if he would tell someone he hasn't talked to in 2 years, anything.

"nothing, just...my dad. i can't promise he won't say anything that might upset you or something." jonathan says, looking over at me. his expression is apologetic, but also a hint of anger.

"oh. don't worry about that, okay? i can stand my ground." i say, winking. we both laugh before unbuckling our seatbelts and getting out of the car.

when i get out i notice jonathan staring at the house, breathing heavily. "hey," i stood beside him.

"through thick and thin." i offered my hand, raising an eyebrow. he looked down before smiling up at me, taking it. "forever and always."

he remembered.

we locked hands, walking up to the front door.

jonathan hesitated for a moment, looking through the small diamond shaped window, before slamming his hand on the door. "hello?"

he slammed on the door some more, continuing to look in, "hello?"

"maybe he's not home?" i questioned turning around, not seeing any vehicles close to the house.

"he's divorced and broke. believe me. he's home."

after standing there for maybe 5 seconds more, a woman yanked open the door. her jeans and shirt fit her nice, and her shirt matched her blue eye makeup.

"can i help you?" she asked clearly annoyed, eyeing us up and down.

"yeah, is lonnie home?" jonathan asked.

i figured i would stay quiet during most of this, since i don't really know anything.

"yeah he's out back. what do you want?"

one day| jonathan byers x reader B1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum