20. Tea And Biscuits?

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Buzzing filled Victoria's ears as sharp white sunlight bit at her closed eyelids. Her mind was awfully busy and a feeling of discomfort thrummed down her spine, she tried to shake her head to get rid of the feeling, but her head was far too heavy to lift.
The suns dawning and it's impertinent rays of light caused Victorias eyes to flutter open.
The first thing she saw was the curtains open so very slightly, but the corners of the room were still dimly lit from the night.

Victoria propped herself up on her elbows in order to familiarise herself more with her surroundings.
It took her another moment to understand that she wasn't in her bedroom, or the room she shared with her siblings for that matter. The bed had large wooden bedposts, with sheer dark blue curtain pulls tied to the posts with metal clasps.
The walls were donned with silver painted embellishments, they looked hand painted, she thought. Small swirls, shooting stars and flowers.
After Victoria's eyes had taken their fill of her surroundings, she decided to get up and wander around for a moment. She really didn't understand what happened, or why she was there, so it was her mission to make sense of it.

She looked to her left and noticed a piece of paper on the bedside table. She gently picked it up and turned it over, allowing her eyes to wander over the page.

"Keep resting, tea will be with you at 8 am.
I've been dragged out to the tailors by Anthony.
Wont be long.

Just as she finished reading, and the little pocket-sized clock on the bedside table struck 8 am, a light rapping sounded from the door.

"Enter." She said, but it came out more of a croak, she tried again. "Enter!"

The house maid opened the door gently and placed the tray of tea and biscuits onto the coffee table. She poured the brown liquid into the china cup, and filled it to the top with milk, dropping in a few sugar cubes before stirring.
The maid handed the cup and saucer to Victoria.

"Are you feeling any better this morning, Miss?" She asked politely, propping a few cushions on the windowsill. "Here, sit."

Victoria walked over to the sill and sat down, holding the cup of warm tea in her hands, allowing the heat to thrum through her.
"A little." She said, answering the maids question. "I'm sorry to ask, but do you have a faintest idea of what happened? I can't seem to remember."

The maid smiled, "Exhaustion was what the doctor called it. Either by the fault of heat stroke or lack of sleep it's unclear. I'm no doctor myself, Miss, but once you've finished your tea it might be best to get a little more sleep."

"Thank you," She paused, "What is your name?"

"Eileen, Miss." She replied.

"Well, thank you Eileen. And please sit, it feels rude for me to sit so comfortable and for you to stand." Victoria declared, and Eileen took some more cushions and sat beside her, Victoria had a feeling that she might be making a well needed friend.
A few last taps of rain settled upon the window pane, and the rushing winds hushed to a stop, the morning sun began to climb over the horizon again. The tea soothed her, an elixir warmth and sweetness that was welcomed by her thumping headache.
"Is the house always this quiet?" Victoria asked.

"At this time, yes. Sometimes the Bridgertons can be prone to laziness," she smiled "but the men of the house are usually out of the house before morning-time."

"I see." Victoria replied with a smile.

"I am very sorry, Miss, but I must get going."

"Of course, but do have a biscuit before you go, I'm in no mood to eat and I don't want it to seem like I've neglected the luxury of them."

Eileen smiled and ate one of the sugary biscuits, and wiped her hands on her pinny.
"Thank you, Miss." She said before leaving.

Victoria sat on the windowsill a little longer, just watching the world go by. There wasn't much of the world to see from this window; but the sway of the trees and the foxes running past seemed like enough.

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