12. Sisterly Love

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Victoria trudged through the double doors of her home, her heart burning in fury.
It had not yet reached dinner time and she was willing and able to chastise her sister until sundown.
Victoria walked down the hallway, looking into every room she passed by, once watching her father with his head in his hands over documents for a split second. She had absolutely no time to waste with rage seething within every cell of her body.
She finally reached the art studio and turned the door knob to see Iris twirling away to imaginary music in her ballet outfit.
Victoria had the overwhelming notion to push Iris out of her pirouette and watch her fall to the ground, but she had decided to be civil.

"That was exhausting." Victoria said. She had realised there was no need to make an outright accusation, she wanted to tease out a confession or a slip up, she wanted to humiliate her sister because she had been so twisted. Victoria slumped down into an armchair and began to fan herself.

"Oh sister, what happened?" Iris asked and adjourned her dancing, removing her pointe shoes.

"He confessed that he had done it, with the aim to humiliate me to Ton." Victoria lied, sitting upright this time to rest her head upon her hand, playing the victim.

"I knew it," Iris said, walking over to Victoria and sitting upon the arm of the chair, resting a hand on Victoria's shoulder. "I'm glad that this has arisen, so that you will not be caught in his schemes."

Iris' tone seemed sincere, her hand placed so gently upon Victoria's shoulder, it puzzled her for a second but she knew that it must all be part of her act.

"I will continue on with Will, I now understand that his intentions are pure..." Victoria sighed, leaning into the deceiving character she had developed. "Benedict is in the past." She said.

"That is right." Iris said finally, after looking out of the window for a short while. "He was no good, was never any good to you. I'm relieved you are done with him and his family."

Those words struck Victoria like a knife to the heart, or maybe a stake, leaving a splinter in her left atria. She truly wondered why Iris would think this way and talk that way about her relationship with Benedict after how much she had encouraged on the first night. Astonished at Iris' behaviour, Victoria felt herself begin to lose her temper.

"Because that is what you want, isn't it?" Victoria asked, her rage beginning to manifest itself in her accusatory tone of voice. Iris stopped mid stretch, looking back at Victoria with her mouth agape.

"What I want?" Iris retorted, resting her hand on her hip.

"Yes. You want to ruin my relationship with Benedict. I'm not as thick as you think, you know." Victoria had given up on her act, her revenge was brewing like a perfect cup of English tea.

"And how would I go about doing that, exactly?"

"Oh, maybe faking that issue of Whistledown. Convincing me that he was untrue in his intentions. I know everything, sister."

Victoria stood from the chair, walking over to her sister and looking her directly in the eye.
"Why is it that you do this?" Victoria asked.

Iris walked over to the window, crossing her arms in an unbreaking gaze. She seemed to watch for a while as she stood stoically, Victoria wondered what she could ponder for so long.

"He's a mistake." Iris said finally, and Victoria scoffed at this response.

"And what makes you think that?" Victoria asked.
Iris opened her mouth to speak, but Victoria interjected. "As a matter of fact, I do not want to know."

Victoria walked over to one of her tubs of paint, opening the jar and setting it on the windowsill beside her sister. She walked across the room and picked up one of the pointe shoes which laid on the floor.
The sound of cracking echoed through the room as Victoria snapped the shoe in half at the shank.
Iris began to gasp, her hand flying to her throat is if feeling pain for her now unusable shoe.
Victoria dangled the shoe by the ribbons above the open jar of blue paint.

The shoe lowered with every word she said.
"I bought your clothes. I sent you to dialect lessons. I taught you how to read, how to sew, how to dance, how to speak." The shoe was hovering millimetres over the paint now. "I taught you how to dance." The shoe plunged into the thick paint, submerging into the murky water. Victoria continued.
"Be aware that I can take that away from you. Interfere with my life again and I can destroy yours. Father may still be alive, but I am the woman of this house. Never mistake that for the kind of sisterly love you think that I owe you."

Victoria stormed out of the room to an encore of sobs from her sister. Did she feel good about her rebuttal? Not in the slightest, but she knew that her sisters behaviour could not be ignored. That was the thing, you see. After their mother died, Victoria took on every single motherly role there was to speak of. Despite her fathers attempts, he simply could not replicate her tendency of caring for her sisters and managing the house, as well as her fathers absence due to his devotion to medicine, Victoria had no one else to bestow the duties she pick up on to.
Victoria had understood that she had given every heaven and blessing to her sisters, granting them the most peaceful life she could, and Iris' disrespect was not to be disregarded.

Victoria trudged through her garden, overlooking the vegetable patches and carnation bushes. The softness of the grass was quickly replaced by the rough stone laden path. She let her feet lead her to the forest, wandering into the midst of the green moss and tree leaves. There was something so tranquil about an escape like this in her back garden, so she settled herself on the earth and allowed herself a deep breath, washing away the events of the day.
She let her eyes close while she listened to a euphony of birdsong, she wanted to walk right back into her home and apologise for her chastity to her sister. She understood now that she may have been too harsh, but there was no need to capitulate this early after a disagreement.

Victoria found herself wandering over to the Bridgerton estate, ambling through the brush until she saw a particular lilac dressed figure with amber hair behind the myriad of tree scape.
She granted herself a seat on one of the horizontal branches of a tree, waiting for the girl to wander over to her, as to not seem too eager.

"Miss Knight." A soft voice announced from behind Victoria, to which she turned and smiled to Daphne Bridgerton, who stood with her hands clasped at her front.

"Your grace." Victoria stood and curtsied to Daphne, honouring her title, before returning to her seat on the tree.

"What finds you in the forest this day?" Daphne asked as she sat beside her, her lilac dress glimmering in the streams of sunlight.

"Sisterly trouble." Victoria smiled as she looked over to Daphne. "It is easy to find solitude in such a quiet place."

"I agree, I have not visited here in so long." Daphne said.

"Of course. You have been at the Hastings estate, yes?"

"Yes I have." Daphne chuckled.

"Forgive me for my inattentiveness, your grace. It seems I have not spoken to you in so long. After my leave, I have found it hard to upkeep in the latest hearsay."

"Ah, it is no worry." Daphne giggled. "How have you been keeping? From one diamond to another, I understand how difficult the season can be."

"It has been a challenge, and I am grateful for the opportunity. But really... the spotlight is arduous, so much I have neglected many a meeting about dowry's and suitors." Victoria admitted.

"It is truly a challenge." Daphne paused, as though considering her next words. "You must evaluate every option, do not simply choose a man for the easy exit, I know how tempting that can be." Daphne turned to face Victoria, taking her hand in hers. "Love is a precious thing, do not force it for it may break."

Victoria understood every word and underlying meaning that Daphne had said, that she knew about Benedict and the struggle she has had with their serpentine relationship.

"Thank you." Victoria said, gripping Daphne's hand a little tighter before letting go and standing up. "I am afraid I must take my leave, for I cannot ignore any more meetings with the esteemed Lady Danbury."

Daphne nodded and stood up also. "That is fair. But do take my word into account, I hope that you understand our friendship from so long ago still stands." Victoria's heart warmed at these words, because their friendship was truly a bond that could never be broken, and she was elated to know that they may recount it.

Victoria smiled and curtsied before walking away, back down the stone laden path toward her home.

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