10. Scandal

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Victoria woke that morning to her sister Ada running through the house giggling.
If yesterday weren't such a melancholy revelation then she may actually feel happy and willing to giggle with her sister as she paraded with her freshly picked flowers.
She lay her head back on her pillow and huffed some stray hairs away from her face, she was nervous for what might happen because of her affiliation with Benedict and his spinster history, it hurt her that he'd treat her as though she was not adult enough to handle his past.
She did not expect him to be completely alone for the whole time that she left and the time that it took until she returned, but there was something about him calling her and inviting her to art galleries so quickly that irked her.
Why was he rushing so? What truly were his intentions?

That night she received word from Will that he would be pleased to attend with her to the art gallery at Stafford House.
The thing is, yesterday she allowed Benedict to feel triumphant in winning her over to attend the gallery with him, except she had already received her invitation and to debut her new piece that had just been delivered back from Cornwall to the Ton.
Her pale pink gown had been freshly pressed, embellished, fitted and delivered by Madame Delacroix and she was thrilled to see her art piece hung on the wall in such an established place such as Stafford House.

"You must go," Iris said, coaxing Victoria out of bed. "you cannot be late. There is a young man dutifully waiting for you with the right intentions."

"I am not disappointed in him, but merely surprised." Victoria expressed her confusion and anguish at Benedict's actions."I liked to think that Benedict had the right motivation with me, we loved each other, I just do not understand why he would treat me so. Would he have perused me if I hadn't been named diamond, only to clear his slate? To start new with a reputable woman instead of affairs with spinsters?"

Victoria was on the verge of tears, feeling like a pawn in his game to gain back a good reputation after his childish dalliances.

"You mustn't worry yourself so, sister. This young Will is surely to be kind and will comfort you today, just ignore Benedict." Iris shook her head. "This is not to concern you, he should not drag you into his advances with scandalous women."

Victoria huffed as she understood Iris' point of view as she had absolutely no reason to dispute it.
She had known Benedict her whole life, and she saw absolutely nothing wrong with having an affair with a woman- spinster or not- because it simply wasn't her problem. Her problem was that he would pursue her so quickly after it, as though she'd sort out this scandal with a wave of her hand, she truly began to question if he even loved her still as he had all those years ago.
This was just so unlike him, he was always so amiable, so compassionate. But she understood that she deserved better.

Victoria dressed herself as it neared midday, conscious that she did not want to leave Will waiting. So, she gloved her hands with beautiful white opera gloves while Frances pinned Victoria's hair up in intricate patterns that framed her face.
Victoria felt time move swiftly as the day grew warmer, the sun streaming through the windows, as if burning straight into her heart with nervousness.

When Victoria was finally ready, she stepped down the marble stairs to see Will standing at the bottom of them. He looked up, brown hair parted to show his green eyes staring at her softly. She smiled as he outstretched his hand for her to take as they began to walk out of Victoria's house.

"You look dazzling." He said as they interlocked arms.

"You do look handsome yourself." Victoria admitted, smiling as her stride caused the gravel to crunch.

She looked at him, his smile curved upward, he had that face of a puppy dog. Simply irresistible. "I am terribly sorry for the late notice," she chuckled, "but I am glad that you could attend with me."

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