And then, the orange van rocks to and fro by itself. The light pink flashed from inside Guinevere II.

The centaur decided to investigate in his curiosity.

Laurel, Barley and Ian are moaning on the van floor.

She was perturbing. "Oh, I hate that." Laurel complained.

The blue skinny elf was annoyed. "Where the heck are we?" Ian asked.

Barley rubbed his eyes. The blue burly elf opened his eyelids halfway at first. Then, Barley was surprised happily. "GWINNY!" He answered in exclamation.

Laurel and Ian opens their eyes suddenly. "Gwinny?" They inquired in unison.

Someone bangs the orange van thrice times.

The Lightfoots are unanticipated.

Someone called out to them.

"Laurel? Barley? Ian? Are you guys in there?"

It was Officer Colt Bronco who inquired.

Laurel was smiling. She goes to the back of Guinevere II. Laurel opened up the van double doors. "COLT!" She exclaimed.

The centaur was befuddled. Colt scratched his head. "What happened, Laurel? And where's Merida?" He added, inquiring. "You and your sons have vanished in the fog an hour ago." Colt clarified.

Laurel blinked her eyes twice. She was bewildered. "An hour ago?" Laurel inquires.

Barley and Ian appears behind their blue elf mother.

Barley was glad. "Colt, Merida's all right. The princess is not a bear anymore." He explained.

Ian was delighted. "We broke the witch's spell, and she's back in the Dunbroch kingdom with her family in Scotland." He explains.

The centaur was cheerful. "Well that's great. I guess things are working out then." Colt said.

Barley shrugs. "Merida IS staying single." He mentioned.

Ian made his awkward smile. "The queen changed the Dunbroch's kingdom traditions that includes arranged marriage for the princess." He mentions.

The centaur extended his hands. "That's even better. It's good to have you guys back. Working hard or hardly workin'..." Colt said. He chuckled happily.

Barley looks at his youngest brother. "Say, Ian, do you have something to prepare after your high school?" He wonders.

The blue skinny elf facepalms himself. Ian was alarmed. He gasps. "Oh no, my high school graduation day!" Ian replies in exclamation.

Laurel snaps out of her bewilderment. She was panicking. "We gotta get back home!" Laurel shouted.

The blue burly elf was perplexed. "Mom, I would love to speed up Guinevere the Second back to the town. But I can't do it without breaking the law here." Barley said.

The centaur was chilled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Colt added. He smiled cheerfully. "Let's not forget that I'm a police officer. And I think I can bend the speeding rule for once." Colt insisted.

Laurel was relieving. "Oh thank you, honey. You're such a lifesaver." She said.

The centaur grinned. "Happy to help, Laurel." Colt said.

Later on, the centaur ran pass the Knolling Hills.

Colt was leading the orange van back to New Mushroomton.

Laurel napped on the green bean bag chair.

Barley drove Guinevere II.

Ian seated next to his elder brother.

The blue skinny elf faced Barley. Ian made a solemn smile. "Hey, what are you gonna be doing once I go to college?" He asks.

The blue burly elf sighs. Barley was proud yet sad. "I really don't know..." he answers honestly.

Ian was worried. "Barley...are you scared...that...that you'll be lonely after my high school graduation?" Ian added, inquiring. "You got mom and Blazey..." he reasoned.

Barley let his tears coming down on his cheeks. "Yeah..." he said.

Ian touched his elder brother's right shoulder. "Barley, I don't want you to feel that...that you're being left out for everyone..." he urged.

Barley took a deep breath, while crying quietly. "Ian, I...I seriously don't want you to leave for college...because you're the only friend I got...Our good two years of taking dangerous quests of it..." Barley clarified.

Ian blinked his eyes twice. "Barley..." he whispered.

Barley was depressed. "Ian...I...I can't move on like this...I really can't..." he sobbed.

Ian was resolute. "Okay, stop your van, Barley." He said.

Barley was skeptical. "What?" He inquired.

Ian bang his staff at the van floor. "Barley, stop the van!" He exclaims.

Barley stepped on the brakes. He halted Guinevere II abruptly. The orange van's rocking woke Laurel up. She snorted.

The blue burly elf shrugged. Barley was annoyed. "What the heck, Ian?!" He exclaimed in his inquiry.

The blue skinny elf shook his head. Ian was mad. "Barley, I can't stand seeing you unhappy because I'm going to college and you're not. I am not gonna leave you like this. There's gonna be a way to make you smile again. There's gonna be." He vented.

The blue burly elf crisscrossed his arms. "The Quest of Yore DOES make me smile, Ian. But the idea of not having the sorcerer with me around is miserable." Barley clarifies.

Laurel hugs her blue burly elf son in comforting. She was gloomy. "Oh sweetie...I know it's hard..." Laurel added, mentioning. "Yet there's more to things than just your board game..." she said.

Barley raised his eyebrow. "Mom, MY board game AGAIN is HISTORICALLY ACCURATE." He stated.

Laurel sighs. She was compassionate. "Ian and I are going to find a way for you to keep yourself busy. Before your brother's high school graduation day." Laurel declares.

How much time does Barley have then?

Ian has one day left until his New Mushroomton High School Graduation Day.

Barley was doomed in his part of his board game, The Quest of Yore...The Swamp of Despair...

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