Chapter 26

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"I just don't know what to do with it all..." Marylinde rolled onto her back. She was calling her parents to ask about her situation with Pierre. She didn't know what to do about h

"Did you know about his insecurities?" Denise asked.

"I did. We have fought about it before. Not about what they were about but the fact he kept it all from me and I had to hear about it from Charles. We had discussed it and made up the conclusion he was going to be more open with me. I had given him multiple opportunities, to be honest, he just didn't take them." Marylinde rubbed her eyes. "And then suddenly he is blaming me for the tough spot Yuki is in apparently." Marylinde bit the inside of her cheek. She still did not understand where he had gotten the guts to even think of saying such a thing at that moment.

"Did he say it in those words?"

"No, but we both knew what he was saying. I have to look out for Yuki more. Yuki had just driven into me for goodness sake." It remained silent on the other side of the phone. Denise knew her daughter. She knew that she had probably reacted more dramatic than needed. But at the same time, this had been going on for a while, she understood why her daughter finally snapped. She had not gotten the full story, but Marylinde had told her enough to know that they were going through a rough patch.

"We don't know. I would say, go and talk to him."

"He can come to me."

"Don't be such a child Mary."

"I'm not. In this particular case, I can say without a doubt that I did nothing wrong. I just wanted a hug but got a lecture instead." Marylinde sighed and ran her hand through her hair, she just didn't know what to do about it all. "Did you watch the race?"

"Of course we did. You did well. If the race would have been two laps longer you would have scored a point from last place on the grid." It was through, with a new power unit, Marylinde had a slight pace advantage over the back markers. She had ticked them off one by one. Until the final ten laps, she had found herself stuck behind Alex in tenth. She just couldn't get by him, no matter how hard she tried and how close she got to him.

"Then how didn't it feel like a good race."

"Because the pink glasses have been ripped off." The figurative pink glasses of being in love. And now she was already down because of the break-up nothing seemed as it was before.

"Can we do anything for you?" It was the first time Kasper said anything in the conversation. He had just been listening, thinking of how he could help his little girl.

"Just give me a very tight hug when I get home. I really need a tight hug from my parents. Even when a grown-up there is nothing more comforting than being in the arms of a parent." Kasper smiled happily.

"That we can do for you." Marylinde had always been his little princess. He always tended - and still did - to spoil her. It was the reason Marylinde got into Formula racing. Her father had given her all the hours on the track karting she could get. Hearing she just wanted her parent's attention was all he needed in return. He didn't need the expensive gifts Marylinde could now afford as a formula one driver. He just needed love and attention from his daughter.

"I figured." Marylinde chuckled. "I should go to sleep if I want to wake up on time to catch my flight." It was already past midnight and her flight would be leaving at ten in the morning, so all in all she would have to be at the airport around eight, eight-thirty. Seeing she had to pack some final essentials she would be using while getting ready, she needed to get up very early. Because of the time difference between Miami and home. Because London was five hours ahead, the easiest to call was very late at night for Maryinde - seeing she was busy for most of the day, making it hard to call in the morning - and very early for her parents. "I hope you can get a few more hours of sleep."

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