Chapter 14

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"Mick, you are an absolute angel," Marylinde said as she accepted the sweater and shorts from Mick. "I was honestly about to kill someone." Mick laughed.

"Don't sweat it, Mary, you know I will always be there when you need me and in this case, it's nothing that hasn't happened before. I mean, you used to steal my clothes on more than one occasion." He winked and Marylinde smiled weakly. "But I know you appreciate it now more than ever." He poked her cheek and then sent her into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Was someone else joining us?" Mick called from the other side of the door as Marylinde took her Alpha Tauri team wear off.

"Max is supposed to join us later. But he is going to Lando's celebratory dinner first."

"What time will he be here?"

"Eight will be the earliest." Marylinde pulled her hair out of the braids and shook her head. She stepped under the steaming stream of water and relaxed as the warm water instantly made her muscles relax. "Mick?"

"Yes. What do you want from me." Mick knew very well that the sweet, innocent tone in which Marylinde had called his name, meant she needed him to do something for her.

"Could you massage my shoulders and neck when I come out of the shower? They are so tight they feel like a brick."

"Of course, I can." Mick chuckled. Every time he and Marylinde got a moment of their own, he realised their friendship hadn't changed, even now they didn't see each other daily as they were no longer housemates. And every time he realised it, it made him smile.

After thirty minutes, Marylinde came walking out of the bathroom, a towel on her head to dry her hair seeing she couldn't get to her blowdryer now.

"Again, thank you, that felt amazing."

"Again, no trouble." He patted on the bed. "Lay down if you will and I will perform my magic on your neck and shoulders." Mary happily laid down. "Wait, take off your sweater."

"I have nothing underneath smartarse!" Marylinde looked at Mick whose cheeks quickly flushed red. "Do you have a robe or something?" Mick quickly walked to the closet in which he had tossed the hotel room robe. "Thank you."

Marylinde walked back into the bathroom and switched the hoodie for the bathrobe in which Mick could more easily massage her shoulders without having to expose too much.

"Mmh." Marylinde groaned as Mick's hands started to push into the knots in her muscles. It hurt but at the same time felt so good.

"How's your head?" Marylinde chuckled.

"Therapy and a massage, can I come more often?"

"Who would have thought you would voluntarily talk about what is going on in your head a year ago." Mick shot back. "But you know you are always welcome."

"You are an angel Mick. But my head is better than I expected. I mean, of course, it is a bit of a mess, but I'm not freaking out as much as I had expected. I mean, I did have a panic attack, but it was minor and I got out of it myself."

"I'm proud of you." Marylinde smiled broadly.

"I'm proud of you as well." She closed her eyes and relaxed for the first time that weekend.

"Where is Netflix?" Marylinde laughed.

"The only good thing to have come out of all of this weekend is that Ping has sent them away halfway through the afternoon. And she swore to kill them if she saw them anywhere near me." Mick laughed.

"That woman is something else."


Just over two hours later, Max joined the two who had ordered room service for dinner. They spent their night playing games and laughing. It had been quickly decided Marylinde would spend the night with Mick and everyone who needed to know was informed.

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