Chapter 4

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"Mom, dad, how are you doing?" Marylinde smiled as she accepted her parents into her house. "Honestly, this is going to be one weird experience having my parents here while I parent Arthur and Sebastian." Denise laughed as she embraced her daughter.

"We are finally going to see what the formula one life on an ordinary day is like."

"It is not that exci-" Something clanged in the kitchen. "For the love of..." Marylinde groaned and walked into the kitchen where Sebastian was standing with just the handle of a pan in his hand. He looked quite scared as the rest of the pan along with food laid on the floor, right next to his bare feet. The annoyance immediately changed to worry as Marylinde sprung forward as she grabbed a towel. "Did it fall on your feet?" She asked, placing the pan in the sink.

"No." Sebastian slowly shook his head. "By a few inches." Marylinde rested her forehead against Sebastian's shoulder.

"You scared the living hell out of me. Please don't ever do that again. I know you and Arthur really like scaring me, but I don't need to die prematurely from a heart attack." Sebastian chuckled, placing the handle in the sink as well before placing his arms around Marylinde's small waist.

"Sorry but you have to agree, this was none of my fault." Marylinde poked Sebastian's side.

"It somehow is because you are not supposed to be having-" Marylinde looked to the floor. "the leftovers from last night. You have a strict diet, Sebastian." Sebastian mumbled something. "Oh, and my parents are here, so clean the floor, will you? I don't want them to think I don't do anything else but mother around here." Marylinde winked.

"You don't, so they won't get the impression you do." Marylinde raised her eyebrows and then jumped over the leftovers to get to her parents before Sebastian could tackle her into some wrestling match for teasing him. "The pan broke," Marylinde said, rolling her eyes with a smirk on her face. "Have you checked into the hotel already?"

"We have, it's ten minutes away from here, so we decided to drop our belongings there before coming here."

"Great, shall we go into town? We need a new pan for tonight's dinner. Seeing it broke." Marylinde grabbed her jacket from the rack and slipped into her trainers. "We could also go to Milan Thursday, a day of shopping."

"Is it nice, shopping there?" Marylinde nodded.

"It is. But mostly also to just look around. There are a lot of designers shops there – as can be expected – but some really cute little boutiques as well in which the clothes are actually affordable."

"You're a formula one driver, all clothing should be affordable to you." Arthur walked down the stairs and Marylinde pushed him right through the doors to the living room.

"Bye Arthur."

"Love you too."

"Fuck off." Marylinde hooked her arm through her mother's and dragged her towards the door. "Bye Seb! I'll let you know when we will be back! Can you do the groceries as I asked?"

"No problem." Marylinde arched an eyebrow. That was an answer she had never gotten before.

"Seb seems a lot less bad than you make it seem to be."

"Don't speak too soon, I need to see whether the groceries are actually in the house for dinner before I need to start cooking before saying I could possibly be wrong. And even if it is, it is only because he feels like he needs to make a good impression on the two of you."

"Why?" Denise stepped into Marylinde's Audi as Marylinde got in behind the wheel. Kasper got into the passenger's seat. "It is still strange to be sitting in the back with my daughter behind the wheel." Marylinde chuckled.

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