Chapter 17

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"How was your day?" Marylinde sat down on the sofa. She rested her head back as she held her phone to her ear. "Why didn't you video call me?"

"I am currently on my way back from the factory, I have you on speaker so I won't be fined for calling and driving."

"Oh. You had a long day then." Pierre sighed loudly.

"It was indeed. There was some extra work that needed to be done after last weekend."

"Why didn't they do it when I was there? They had three drivers at their disposal."

"I don't know. Perhaps they-" Pierre stopped. "Perhaps they don't want Alpha Tauri to get the same advantage." Marylinde could hear the grin Pierre was wearing on his face in his voice. "I mean, Alpha Tauri is supposed to be slower than us, not faster, otherwise we'll have a bit of a problem."

"It would make things easier for me. I wouldn't have to worry about moving to a different team to increase my chances of winning a world championship." They laughed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." They remained in silence. "When are you coming to Italy?"

"Tomorrow night I am going to take a flight. I will stay a night at the hotel and be at your place the day after."

"Are you crazy? I will pick you up from the airport and you will be staying the night here. No hotel needed."

"It's going to be-"

"Don't you dare go against me, Pierre. I am picking you and Pyry up from the airport. Sebastian isn't home, so Pyry can stay in his room."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am." Marylinde looked up when the door opened. "I have to go Pierre, I promised Arthur and Sebastian we would go for a run together and they seem to have their mind set on doing so now." Pierre laughed. "Let me know when you got home safely?"

"I will. I love you."

"Love you too, Pierre." Marylinde ended the call and looked at her two housemates. "You two couldn't give me five more minutes."

"You'll see him for more than that this weekend." Sebastian took Marylinde's hand to hurry her off the sofa. "And if you don't mind. We are going now so I can actually get a shower in before I have to go to the airport." Marylinde laughed and started to sulk even more.

"But I don't want to go for a run."

"You promised the both of us and you promised Peter, so too bad. You are coming with us." They left the house, chatting excitedly about what the weekend would look like for all of them and while they stretched, they continued to make fun of each other. After ten minutes, they started to jog.

They didn't talk much from that moment on but just enjoyed the scenery around them. They had chosen to take a different round from what they used to take, just to switch things up a little bit. The unfortunate part of their decision, they ended up somewhere they did not know and Marylinde, who was the only one to have her phone on her, had not charged her phone well enough to have it last the entire lap.

And so it happened that the three were stranded somewhere without a phone to navigate them home.

"You should have charged your phone," Sebastian said as he realised time was ticking away and the clock got closer and closer to the time at which he needed to head to the airport.

"Either one of you could also just have brought your phone instead of putting all of this on me." Marylinde snapped back. Although putting the blame on the boys as well, she did feel responsible for Sebastian and him being on time to catch his flight.

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