Chapter 25

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That weekend had to be among the worst weekends in Marylinde's life. Never had she had the urge to just stay in bed as much as she had had in that dark time in her career. But she had it now. She didn't want to get out of bed. She did not want to move a muscle and more than anything, she did not want to go to the track and face the media. Or anyone at the track for that matter. She didn't want the pity looks, the death glares, the concerned looks.

Max knew. He had heard the stories and because he was the only one of her friends in Miami without a job to do, he was given the task to get her out of bed that Sunday. And in order to do that, he had stayed the night with her. He had intended to stay on the sofa but when Marylinde fell asleep, cuddled up against him, he didn't want to wake her anymore, so remained where he was.

They had watched a movie, one without romance because Marylinde didn't want to talk or think about what had happened that day. She just wanted to forget it all. The distraction she had gotten had given her the opportunity to fall asleep.

Max didn't want to admit it, but he loved the feeling of her body curled up against him. Her warm skin touching his, making shivers run down his spine. He loved it despite the circumstances they were in. He wanted to do nothing else but take away her hurt, but it was what gave him what he wanted so badly, her close to him, even though it was selfish.

"Mary, come on, wake up. You really need to get up. I let you sleep for as long as possible but you have to wake up now." Marylinde groaned loudly, burying her face into her pillow as she felt Max softly shaking her shoulders

"I do not want to go."

"You have to."

"I'll just lock myself in my room and flush the key through the toilet."

"You won't." Max started to pull the covers from Marylinde's bed, hoping it would get her to get out of bed. "Come on." Marylinde groaned again, very annoyed by Max's antics. But he was right. She needed to get out. Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she pulled herself together. When she was standing up, she was immediately engulfed in a tight hug. "I am proud of you," Max whispered. Those words were all she needed at that moment. Someone was proud of her, even for just getting out of bed because even that seemed to be an impossible task.

"Thank you." She whispered, burying her head in his chest. "Can you please stay with me today?" She bit her lip. "I just really need someone who will be there the entire time but knows not to ask me any questions. I can't ask any of the other boys, so it kind of leaves just you." She looked up, forcing a smile on her face. "And you dealt with me so well yesterday." Max laughed.

"Fine, I'll put up with you for another day." He pulled her close before letting her go. "Put on your team kit, you have to be ready in fifteen minutes."

He took the pile of clothes he had gathered for her and pushed her into the bathroom. "And Lando told me to tell you not to lock the bathroom door so if you change your mind, I can still come in and drag your arse out." For the first time since her crash, Marylinde's chuckle was genuine. Perhaps it was her first chuckle altogether.

"Tell him I love him." Max smiled.

"I will." He watched as Marylinde closed the door behind her, but didn't lock it. He pulled out his phone and texted Lando.

Max: She loves you.

Lando: Of course she does.

Max: She asked me to tell you smartarse.

Lando: Oh, yeah. Tell her me too. How is she?

Max: Not as bad as you guys feared. But definitely not the Marylinde I know. We are going to the track in fifteen minutes. Peter and I decided to take more time for things to make sure she would be okay and could take a break if needed.

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