The Forest of the Brave Wilderness

Start from the beginning

Ian was astounded.

Barley was contented.

The Lightfoots, the centaur and the bear princess are scrolling forward. While they go thru the trees, they avoided the wisps that appears out of nowhere.

No matter how the wisps are persuasive to follow, they continued to ignore them.

Finally, they are astonishing at one thing that they witnessed.

There was the three bears symbol on the stone pillar.

The blue burly elf went closer to it. Barley was quizzical. "There's the ancient writing on that pillar." He suspected.

The blue skinny elf swallows himself. Ian was nervous. The blue skinny elf made his wizard's stance. Ian thrusted his staff. "Universa Lingu!" He exclaimed.

The ancient writing translated into English.

Ian read out the words.

Eleven centuries CE...The Highlands of Scotland was ruled by Clan Dunbroch...King Fergus and Queen Elinor...While there was the kingdom...they are three more clans...Macintosh, MacGuffin and Dingwall...Each of the three lords represents their sons to win the hand of Princess Merida of Dunbroch...The queen believes if her princess marries only a prince of her choosing...The peace in the kingdom of Dunbroch will be brought out from the never-ending war...

Laurel was staggered. "Eleven centuries CE?!" She exclaims.

Colt was dumbfounded. "Arranged marriage just for peace over war?!" He cried out loud.

Bear Merida roars louder in her anger.

Barley was thunderstruck. "So THAT'S why the princess ran away! The queen was turning Merida into HER!" He shouted.

Ian was so concerned. "This is so baffling! Queen Elinor was REALLY doing this for HER kingdom!" He exclaimed.

Barley was madder than ever. The blue burly elf clenched his fists. "King Fergus wasn't kidding about his queen being strict about EVERYTHING!" Barley ranted.

Laurel takes deep breaths. She was mystified yet smiling. "All right, all right, let's not lose our heads right now." Laurel added, reassuring. "We still need to find the Teleportation Gem, right?" She guessed in her shrug.

Barley nodded his head. The blue burly elf was determined. "Yes..." Barley added. "We have to split our group up for the gem. One of the four clans has it." He declares.

Ian was solemn. The blue skinny elf's eyes are widened. "SPLIT UP FOR THE GEM?!" Ian added, screaming. "Barley, you don't have a smartphone. And-and we'll get lost after the gem." Ian explained his reasons.

The centaur brought out something out of his shirt. Colt was contented. He handed out to the blue burly elf. "I think this should help, Barley." Colt said.

The blue burly elf was quizzical at the centaur's black electronic thing. "What the heck is this?" Barley wonders.

Colt shrugged. "It's a beeper." The centaur added, replying. "Lucky me, I got two of them. One for you and one for me. That way, when you get in trouble, just send for help." He explained.

The blue burly elf was puzzled with his smile. "I don't know if I need a BEEPER, but I will take what I got on a quest." Barley stated.

The blue burly elf took the beeper from Officer Colt Bronco.

The centaur was glad. "You'll thank me later, Barley. You'll see." Colt said.

The blue burly elf blew his raspberry. Barley was mischievous. "We're gonna try to see which one of the clans will have the Teleportation Gem first." He decided.

The blue burly elf gestures the group on a map. "Since it's the five of us, one of us will have to take care of Merida. I can take Dunbroch, the rest of ye can pick where ye could go." Barley said.

Laurel touched her blue burly elf's left shoulder. She was smirking. "Okay, you can take care of Merida, Barley." Laurel declares.

The blue burly elf was astonished at his blue elf mother. "What, MUM!" Barley whines.

Laurel shook her head. She was annoyed. Laurel points at her blue burly elf son. "Don't MUM ME, BARLEY! YOU can understand bear than we can, YOU can make sure Merida don't follow the wisps while you're heading to Clan Dunbroch! And I am NOT letting Ian missed his high school graduation over this!" Laurel argued.

Barley gave up an argument with his blue elf mother. The blue burly elf was not amused. "All right, mum, all right, ye win." Barley said.

Ian took a deep breath. The blue skinny elf was contentious yet awkward. "Okay, I can take Clan Macintosh. Mom will go to Clan Dingwall. And Officer Bronco could check Clan MacGuffin." Ian decided.

So they go as what they're going.

The search for the Teleportation Gem begins.

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